
antipodal adj.1.【地質學;地理學】對蹠的,在地球上正相反面的...


The theory of wilkinson power combiner and ratrace coupler is analyzed by using the odd - even mode method in this thesis . on the basis of the theoretical analysis , we designed and tested the wilkinson power divider , the modified wilkinson power divider and ratrace coupler , good agreement is observed . in addition we propose a power combiner based on a waveguide - to - microstrip transition using antipodal finlines . this structure united the two functions of transition and equal power division , it can not only be used in the circuit power combiner but also be used in spatial power combiner 另外提出一種基于鰭線波導微帶過渡功分器,該結構將過渡與功分兩種功能完全結合,不但可以用于電路合成式功率合成,也可用于空間功率合成中。對功率合成器,其主要指標是輸出功率和效率,其中提高輸出功率和效率的一個方法是在輸出端抑制諧波,主要是對二次諧波的抑制。

The characteristics of various solid - state power - combining techniques and the principles of the waveguide - based power combining structure are compared and analyzed in detail . the power combiner is based on a double antipodal finline - to - microstrip transition structure . the proposed 2 2 combining structure is optimized by using 3 - d fields simulation tools cst 主要內容為: 1 .研究和對比了各種固態功率合成技術的特點,詳細地分析了波導基空間功率合成器的工作原理,提出了一種基于雙對極鰭線-微帶過渡的2 2路毫米波功率合成器結構,借助三維場仿真軟件cst對該無源網絡進行了優化設計。

Embryological studies reveal that megaspore and such cells as egg , synergid and antipodals in mature embryo sac initiate the division of forming haploid plants through embryogenesis or callus formation 胚胎學觀察揭示大孢子與胚囊內的卵細胞、助細胞和反足細胞均有可能在培養中啟動分裂,通過胚狀體或愈傷組織形成單倍體植株。

Antipodal cells the three haploid cells found in the embryo sac of seed - bearing plants that migrate to the chalaxal end of the sac farthest from the micropyle 反足細胞:胚囊三次分裂形成卵細胞,助細胞和極核等,其中位于合點端的三個單倍體細胞稱反足細胞。

However , once the antipodal images are realized , the viewer instantaneously relates to the message hatakeyama is forcing upon him / her 然而,一旦認識到是對面的圖像時,觀眾立刻得到信息, ?山直哉正在對他/她施加壓力。

Three nuclei differentiate into the antipodal cells . 三個核分化成為反足細胞。