
antiphonal adj.應答輪唱的,對唱的。n.唱和歌集。


Rc - 1 spent a longer time on antiphonal dancing before mating and mating , but a shorter time antiphonal dancing and singing after mating ; rc - 2 spent a shorter time mating on mating and antiphonal singing after mating , but a longer time on antiphonal dancing and singing after mating . the time spent on mating for rc - 3 was longer rc - 2 , but shorter rc - 1 , dancing before and after mating was between rc - 1 and rc - 2 1號鶴交配前對舞與交配時間都相對偏長,而交配后對舞鳴唱時間偏短; 2號鶴交配時間與交配對鳴時間較短,而交配后對舞鳴唱時間較長; 3號鶴交配時間則長于2號鶴而短于1號鶴,交配前后舞動時間介于1號與2號鶴之間。

From courtship song beginning to jumping on the back of female , it spent 19 ~ 50 second , majority was 25 second or so ; from male jumping on the back of female to jumping on the ground after mating finished , it spent 11 - 13 second ; antiphonal singing and dancing continued 27 - 180 second , female was usually 27 - 50 second , male was usually 1 minute to 1 minute and 36 second 從求偶鳴叫到跳躍背上時間為19 50秒,多數為25秒左右;從雄鶴跳躍到雌鶴背上到交配完跳下,時間為11 13秒;對鳴對舞持續時間為27 180秒,雌鶴一般為27 50秒,雄鶴一般為1分至1分36秒。

On the variety of the antiphonal singing culture 對歌文化的多樣性

Factors of existence of the buyi people ' s antiphonal culture 試論布依族對歌文化的生存因素