
antiphlogistic adj.【醫學】消炎的。n.消炎劑。

My father double lower limbs will be red shine companion high fever , aching , have saying is “ erysipelas , filariasis “ intermittent fit , antiphlogistic needle is hanged when giving out heat , burn drop back , still meet painful period of time 我父雙下肢會紅腫發亮伴高熱,疼痛,有說是“丹毒、流火”間歇發作,發熱時掛消炎針,燒退后,仍會痛一段時間。


The pharmaceutical study of formica rufa linnaeus polypeptides . in this part , we used the experiments on the animal models to study the pharmaceutical activities of formica rufa linnaeus polypeptides . the conclusion is formica rufa linnaeus polypeptides which have the antiphlogistic and antalgic effect 5 ,紅褐林蟻多肽蛋白質的藥用實驗研究本部分旨在用動物模型實驗的方法,研究所得紅褐林蟻多肽的藥用活性,結論為紅褐林蟻多肽具有抗炎、鎮痛的作用。

In conclusion , we have proved the exist of formica rufa linnaeus polypeptides . they have immunological activity , the antiphlogistic and antalgic effect . consequently we can provide the scientific reference for researching , emplodering and using the pharmaceutical value of the ants 通過以上實驗研究證明紅褐林蟻體內多肽蛋白質的存在,而且還具有免疫活性和抗炎、鎮痛的藥用作用,從而為進一步研究開發和利用螞蟻提供了科學的參考。

My father double lower limbs will be red shine companion high fever , aching , have saying is “ erysipelas , filariasis “ intermittent fit , antiphlogistic needle is hanged when giving out heat , burn drop back , still meet painful period of time 我父雙下肢會紅腫發亮伴高熱,疼痛,有說是“丹毒、流火”間歇發作,發熱時掛消炎針,燒退后,仍會痛一段時間。

Direction : use on the clean face , apply the collagen antiphlogistic mask , after 20 - 30 minutes remove with clean water , use twice a week or as often as needed 使用方法= =用法:清潔面部后,敷上治療敏感補濕骨膠原面膜,約20 - 30分鐘后,用清水洗凈,即可完成,每星期使用2 - 3次。任何皮膚及敏感性皮膚

That should use some of antiphlogistic drug , otherwise coliform is affected , meeting go to the bad . without what a serious illness . the proposal is not doing anus to hand in 那要用些消炎藥了,要不大腸菌感染,會得病。沒有什么大病。建議不要在做肛交!

If body immunity system has been compared , the likelihood does not become aware , take a few antiphlogistic medicine and antipyretic to had been met 假如身體免疫系統比較好,可能覺察不到,服用一些消炎藥和退燒藥會好。

Conclusion : fu yan xiao granule has the antiphlogistic effect and the effect of shortening bleed - ing and clotting time 結論:婦炎消沖劑是通過抗炎,抑制腫脹,改善凝血機制起藥效作用。

In addition to the antithrombotic and fibrinolysis enhancing effects , mps possesses antiphlogistic properties 除了抗血栓和促纖溶作用,多磺酸粘多糖mps還有抗炎作用。

Anti - endotoxin and immunoregulating effect of antiphlogistic tablet with forsythia fruit 連翹敗毒片的抗內毒素及免疫調節作用研究

The bacteriostatic experiment of the antiphlogistic and hemostatic clamp rongxueting 茸血停抑菌試驗的研究