
antipathy n.1.嫌忌;厭惡;反感,憎惡;不相容性。2.被人厭惡的...

On the other hand , kuo thinks the ethnicity issue is being played down every year , since today raising it would only bring antipathy from society . “ politicians are more self - controlled in this regard than before , “ he notes 郭正亮同時指出:政治人物已逐年淡化族群議題,而且比以前自制因為挑動它只會引起民眾的反感。

In his novels “ elsie venner “ , “ the guardian angel “ and “ a mortal antipathy “ he mingles light - hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances 在他的小說《艾爾西文納》 《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。

In his novels “ elsie venner “ , “ the guardian angel “ and “ a mortal antipathy “ he mingles light - hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances 在他的小說《艾爾西?文納》 《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。

“ the meaning of “ barbie “ went beyond an expressed antipathy ; actual physical violence and torture towards the doll was repeatedly reported . “ she said 她說, “芭比所遭受的已經不僅僅是孩子們的反感了,暴力和‘酷刑’對于這個娃娃來說已是家常便飯。 ”

“ but i hope you will not carry your antipathy so far as to deprive me of the pleasure of your company , sir , “ said monte cristo “我希望您的成見不至于影響到我和您聚會吧,閣下。 ”基督山說道。

Most people have a natural antipathy of “muddy streams“ . 大多數人對“渾濁水流”有一種天然的反感。


Apart from this insuperable feeling of antipathy to her , princess marya was at that moment agitated by the fact that on the rostovs having been announced the old prince had shouted that he didnt want to see them , that princess marya could see them if she chose , but they were not to be allowed in to see him 除開這種不可克服的反感,公爵小姐瑪麗亞這時候還感到激動不安,當仆人通報羅斯托夫家里人來訪的這一瞬間公爵叫喊起來,說他無須乎會見他們,如果公爵小姐瑪麗亞愿意的話,就叫她去接見好了,他不允許他們去見他。

How it would be a weakness in the government to break down in this attempt to practise for popularity on the lowest national antipathies and fears , and therefore mr . attorney - general had made the most of it ; how , nevertheless , it rested upon nothing , save that vile and infamous character of evidence too often disfiguring such cases , and of which the state trials of this country were full 如果政府竟想借最卑下的民族對立情緒和畏懼心理做文章來進行壓制,樹立威信檢察長先生對此曾大加渲染,那恐怕只會成為政府的一種弱點。可惜這種做法除了證詞那邪惡的不光彩的性質只會歪曲這類案件的形象之外全無根據。它只能使我國的國事審判里充滿了這類案件。

Beard , his slightest and most indifferent acts , the very fashion of his garments , were odious in the clergyman s sight ; a token implicitly to be relied on , of a deeper antipathy in the breast of the latter 在牧師的眼中,那醫生的姿態和步法,他的灰白胡須,他的最輕微和最無關緊要的動作,乃至他袍服的那種樣式,都是可憎的在牧師的心中,本有一種對他更深的反感,這原是不言而喻的,但牧師卻不肯承認。

I had had no communication by letter or message with the outer world : school - rules , school - duties , school - habits and notions , and voices , and faces , and phrases , and costumes , and preferences , and antipathies - such was what i knew of existence 我與外部世界既沒有書信往來,也不通消息。學校的規定任務習慣觀念音容語言服飾好惡,就是我所知道的生活內容。而如今我覺得這很不夠。

She said mr heathcliff seemed to dislike him ever longer and worse , though he took some trouble to conceal it : he had an antipathy to the sound of his voice , and could not do at all with his sitting in the same room with him many minutes together 她說希刺克厲夫先生好像越來越不喜歡他了,不過他還努力不流露這種感情。他一聽見他的聲音就起反感,和他在一間屋子里多坐幾分鐘就受不了。

My fingers had fastened on her hand which lay outside the sheet : had she pressed mine kindly , i should at that moment have experienced true pleasure . but unimpressionable natures are not so soon softened , nor are natural antipathies so readily eradicated 要是她和氣地握一握我的手,此刻我會由衷地感到愉快,但是頑固的本性不是立刻就能感化的,天生的反感也并非輕易就能消除。

The antipathies , i think - she was rather glad there was no one listening , thistime , as it didn t sound at all the right word - but i shall have to ask them what the name of the country is , you know 吧? ”這次她很高興沒人聽她說話,因為“對稱人”這個名詞似乎不十分正確。 “我想我應該問他們這個國家叫什么名稱:太太,請問您知道這是新西蘭,還是澳大利亞? ”

In the spiritual world , the old physician and the minister - mutual victims as they have been - may , unawares , have found their earthly stock of hatred and antipathy transmuted into golden love 老醫生和牧師這兩個事實上相互成為犧牲品的人,在神靈的世界中,或許會不知不覺地發現他倆在塵世所貯藏的怨恨和厭惡變成了黃金般的熱愛。

Here the conversant ' s tone can consciously or unconsciously reflect intuitive sympathy or antipathy , lack of concern or interest , fatigue , anxiety , enthusiasm or excitement , all of which are usually discernible by the acute listener 所有這些通過他的語調有意無意地表現出來,但是對一個敏銳的聽眾來說,仍然是聽得出來的。

On the other hand , kuo thinks the ethnicity issue is being played down every year , since today raising it would only bring antipathy from society . “ politicians are more self - controlled in this regard than before , “ he notes 郭正亮同時指出:政治人物已逐年淡化族群議題,而且比以前自制因為挑動它只會引起民眾的反感。

Besides the stiff competition of water transport1 , an important hindrance to railroad development was public antipathy , which had its roots in ignorance , conservatism , and vested interest2 除了水上運輸的激烈競爭外,阻礙鐵路運輸發展的主要因素是公眾的反感,它根源于愚昧無知,守舊和既得利益。

Her starring turn as the embattled queen elizabeth drew praise , and the attention she garnered [ 4 ] for her performance helped to lighten the load of antipathy directed toward tim burton ' s mars attacks 隨著陣容強大、明星如云的《伊莉莎白》獲得贊譽,貝寧的星途也急轉直上/越來越亮/出現轉折。

Despite the historic antipathy between britain and france , one in five britons wish they were born on the other side of the english channel , according to a poll 英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net一項民意調查顯示,雖然英法兩國之間存在歷史宿怨,但五分之一的英國人覺得還是生在法國好。