
antipathetic adj.1.生來厭惡的,不合天性的,格格不入的。2.引起...


Had he been a handsome , heroic - looking young gentleman , i should not have dared to stand thus questioning him against his will , and offering my services unasked . i had hardly ever seen a handsome youth ; never in my life spoken to one . i had a theoretical reverence and homage for beauty , elegance , gallantry , fascination ; but had i met those qualities incarnate in masculine shape , i should have known instinctively that they neither had nor could have sympathy with anything in me , and should have shunned them as one would fire , lightning , or anything else that is bright but antipathetic 要是他是位漂亮笑俊的年輕紳士,我也許不會如此大膽地站著,違背他心愿提出問題,而且不等他開口就表示愿意幫忙,我幾乎沒有看到過一位漂亮的青年,平生也從未同一位漂亮青年說過話,我在理論上尊崇美麗高雅勇敢和魅力,但如果我見到這些品質體現有男性的軀體中,那我會本能地明白,這些東西沒有,也不可能與我的品質共鳴那我也會像人們躲避火災閃電或者別的雖然明亮卻今人厭惡的東西一樣,對它們避之不迭。

But this encompassment of her own characterization , based on shreds of convention , peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her , was a sorry and mistaken creation of tess s fancy - a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason 苔絲在一堆混亂不堪的傳統習俗上建立起自己的性格,頭腦里充滿了對她毫不同情的形體和聲音,把自己緊緊包圍起來,但是,這只不過是她幻想中的可憐的錯誤的創造而已是她無故感到害怕的道德魔怪的迷霧。

To the aesthetic , sensuous , pagan pleasure in natural life and lush womanhood which his son angel had lately been experiencing in var vale , his temper would have been antipathetic in a high degree , had he either by inquiry or imagination been able to apprehend it 在瓦爾谷,他兒子克萊爾近來過的是自然的生活,接觸的是鮮美的女性,得到的是美學的感官的和異教的快樂,假如他通過打聽或者想象知道了,按他的脾性對兒子是會毫不留情的。

He spoke such things as these and more of a kindred sort to her , being still swayed by the antipathetic wave which warps direct souls with such persistence when once their vision finds itself mocked by appearances 他對她說了這些話,還說了一些跟這些話相似的話,在那個時候,他仍然還受到反感浪潮的支配,當一個人發覺自己的眼光受到外表的愚弄,他就必然要產生歪曲的看法。

Certainly smile must send from the heart , that smile not having good faith , before others seem be machinery ' s , rigid , it may make us be disgusting and antipathetic 當你梳頭面對著鏡子里那張沉悶的面孔時,你不妨對自己說; “親愛的,你要把今天的愁容一掃而光,你要微笑起來,從現在做起。 ”

Certainly smile must send from the heart , that smile not having good faith , before others seem be machinery ' s , rigid , it may make us be disgusting and antipathetic 當然微笑必須發自內心,那種沒有誠意的微笑,在別人看起來是機械的、僵硬的,它會讓我們厭惡和反感。

Prince andrey had fancied even before then that he was antipathetic to the tsar ; that the tsar disliked his face and his whole personality 安德烈公爵一向就仿佛覺得,國王憎惡他,他的面孔和他整個身心都令國王望而生厭。

This is the work of evil spirits antipathetic to the realm of human existence 原來這些惡魔不滿人類的所作所為,他們企圖吞滅古代的守護精靈。

I don t believe you would ever care for a man who was purely antipathetic to me 我不相信你要找個我所絕不喜歡的男人,你一定不會那樣做的。

This is the work of evil spirits antipathetic to the . . 原來這些惡魔不滿人類的所作所為,他們企圖吞滅古代的守護精靈。

When american shakes hands face to face visual other place is very antipathetic 美國人對握手時目視其它地方很反感。

I am . i am too unfortunate . i and existing education are antipathetic 我是。我太不幸了。我與現有的教育格格不入。

He has always been strongly antipathetic to the views of the women ' s movement 他對女性運動的主張向來感到反感。

These two ideas are antipathetic 這兩個構想格格不入。

His conduct is antipathetic to me 他的行為使我感到反感。

These nations are antipathetic to each other and cannot unite 這些國家格格不入,無法聯合。

He was antipathetic to any kind of change 他對任何變動都感到反感。

I am nothing but a bundle of nerves and if i am with a person who is antipathetic to me i go all to pieces . 我這個人神經極為脆弱,如果和一個與我格格不入的人在一起,我就會完全垮了。

It is a music which evolved through the clash of two antipathetic cultures . 這種音樂可是從兩種互不相容的文化沖突中逐漸形成的。