
antiparticle n.【物理學】反粒子。

When matter and antimatter meet , they “ annihilate “ ( mutually destroy ) , and their energy reappears as photons or other particle - antiparticle pairs 當物質和反物質相遇時,它們就會泯滅(相互消滅) ,然后它們的能量會以光子或粒子?反粒子形式再次出現。

This property , often called “ helicity , “ serves to differentiate the neutrino from its antiparticle 這種性質通常稱為“螺旋性” ,可以用來區分中微子和它的反粒子。

This property, often called “helicity,“ serves to differentiate the neutrino from its antiparticle . 這種性質通常稱為“螺旋性”,可以用來區分中微子和它的反粒子。


Antiparticles are created elsewhere in the universe where there are high - energy particle collisions , such as in the center of our galaxy , but none have been detected that are residual from the big bang , as most normal matter is [ 1 ] ( http : / / science . nasa . gov / headlines / y2000 / ast29may _ 1m . htm ) 科學家在1995年成功生產了氫的反原子,以及反氘核核子,由一個反質子和一個反中子生成,僅僅還不能是更為復雜的反物質。

If a particle / antiparticle pair comes in contact with each other , the two annihilate and produce a burst of energy , which may manifest itself in the form of other particles and antiparticles or electromagnetic radiation 如果粒子/反粒子彼此相遇,那二個粒子湮滅并且產生能量爆發,可能以其它粒子形式和反粒子或電磁輻射顯示它自身。

In the second quantized theory , however , the negative energies lead to the prediction of antiparticles ( positrons ) which is regarded as one of the greatest successes of the driac equation ( chapter 10 ) 然而,在二次量子化中,負能量導致了存在反粒子(正電子)的預言而被看作狄拉克方程的最偉大成就之一(第10章) 。

For example , the mass of an electron is really a coupling between a left handed electron and a right handed electron , which is the antiparticle of a left handed positron 它們與其他費米子不同處在于它們沒有一種叫“色”的性質,所以它們的作用力(弱力、電磁力)會隨距離增加變得越來越弱。

When matter and antimatter meet , they “ annihilate “ ( mutually destroy ) , and their energy reappears as photons or other particle - antiparticle pairs 當物質和反物質相遇時,它們就會泯滅(相互消滅) ,然后它們的能量會以光子或粒子?反粒子形式再次出現。

The symbol used to denote an antiparticle is the same symbol used to denote its normal matter counterpart , but with an overstrike 過去常用于表示一個反粒子的符號是以用來表示它的常態物質版本的相同符號,僅有少許不同。

Each anyon pair is rather like a particle and its corresponding antiparticle , created out of pure energy (見66頁拓撲量子計算的原理)每一對任意子就如同一個粒子與其反粒子,是純粹由能量所創造出來的。

The electron , for example , has negative charge , whilst its antiparticle , called the positron , has positive charge 舉例說明,比如電子帶負電荷,同時,它的反粒子被稱作正電子?帶有正電荷。

This property , often called “ helicity , “ serves to differentiate the neutrino from its antiparticle 這種性質通常稱為“螺旋性” ,可以用來區分中微子和它的反粒子。

By random chance , a particle - antiparticle pair can flit into existence straddling the event horizon 跨越事件視界時,一對粒子-反粒子對能夠以某種隨機性產生。

Similarly the positively charged proton has a negatively charged antiparticle , the antiproton 同樣的,帶正電荷的質子具有其帶負電荷的反粒子?即反質子。

According to the theory , matter can only be created in particle - antiparticle pairs 依照理論,物質只能在粒子-反粒子對中產生。

The particle can also fail to mirror its antiparticle ( cpt violations ) 粒子也可能不再是反粒子的鏡像( cpt違逆) 。

This property, often called “helicity,“ serves to differentiate the neutrino from its antiparticle . 這種性質通常稱為“螺旋性”,可以用來區分中微子和它的反粒子。

the antiparticle of the π°is indistinguishable from the π°. 介子的反粒子同本身是無法區分的。

A horizontal bar over a particle symbol is used to designate the antiparticle . 粒子符號上加一橫,用來表示反粒子。