
antioxidant n.防氧化劑,抗氧化劑〔用做食物防腐劑〕。adj.防氧化...


Are melanin ornaments signals of antioxidant and immune capacity in birds 黑色素羽毛裝飾反映了鳥類的抗氧化和免疫能力嗎

Effects of different packages and antioxidants on the skin brown of whangkeumbae 不同包裝及化學物質對黃金梨虎皮病的影響

A very powerful antioxidant and anti - bacterial ability . origin : turkey 高效抗氧化,并有強力的殺菌作用。產地:土耳其。

Antioxidant represses the cancer metastasis through scavenging ros 抗氧化劑可以通過清除活性氧化物而抑制癌轉移的發生。

Effect of nano - selenium on growth performance and antioxidant function of weanling pigs 納米硒對仔豬生長和抗氧化的影響

An effective antioxidant that supports heart health and reduces cancer risk 強力抗氧化劑,能強化心臟及預防多種癌癥。

Animal and vegetables fats and oils . detection and identification of antioxidants 動植物脂肪和油.抗氧劑的檢測和識別

Some vitamins , such as vitamin c , are antioxidants in their own right 有些維生素,比如維生素c ,本身就是抗氧化劑。

Effect of three kinds of drinking water on antioxidant enzymes activity in mice 三種飲用水對小鼠抗過氧化酶影響比較

Selection of antioxidant in bescuits and buildinc of biscuit shelf life model 餅干抗氧化劑的優選及保存期模型的建立

And many of the phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables are antioxidants 而水果和蔬菜中有許多種成份都是抗氧化劑。

The protection of some antioxidants to protein oxidative degradation 一些抗氧化劑對蛋白質氧化降解的保護作用

Study on the antioxidant activities of several boletes methanol extract in vitro 幾種牛肝菌抗氧化能力的研究

Extraction and purification of two antioxidants from rosa rugosa 玫瑰花中兩種抗氧化成分的分離鑒定與活性測定

Antioxidant capacity measurement of flavonoids by chemiluminescence method 化學發光法測量類黃酮的抗氧化能力

Study of antioxidant activity of flavonoid compounds from orange peel 桔皮中黃酮類化合物抗氧化活性的研究

Factors of antioxidant and prooxidant activities of carotenoids 類胡蘿卜素抗氧化和促氧化作用的影響因素

Dtermination of seabuckthorn flavone and study of its antioxidant effect 沙棘黃酮的測定及其抗氧化作用

Natural antioxidant and antimicrobial 天然抗氧化劑抗菌劑