
antinomy n.1.(某一法律與另一法律的)對立。2.(兩個顯然都合...

Overall , to realize “ three transformations “ by displaying the person ' s subjective dynamic role to actively create conditions urges the antinomy between environment and development from “ two difficulties “ to “ double wins “ , and from “ sacrifice environment for economical growth “ to “ the economical growth to protect the environment “ , thus steps onto the production developes healthly , lives wealthily , good ecology path 總之,實施“三個轉變”就是發揮人的主觀能動作用,積極創造條件,促使環境與發展的矛盾由“兩難”向“雙贏”轉化,將“以犧牲環境換取經濟增長”轉變為“以保護環境,優化經濟增長” ,真正走上生產發展、生活富裕、生態良好的文明發展道路。

Centered on the viewpoint “ beauty is the sensible appearing of idea “ , hegel designed the development of beauty and art to be a process of negate of negate ( develop the useful and discard the useless ) that is about antinomy between contraries 他以“美是理念的感性顯現”為中心,把美和藝術的發展設計為一個內在包含的對立面的矛盾所形成的否定之否定(揚棄)的過程。

Main concentration of this antinomy on the penal code rules system problem of “ instigating secretly and assisting secretly “ . the revolution that is theoretically that had the actual problem - solving urgency to bring by all means , 經過一翻激烈的討論和論證之后,面對不斷出現的矛盾和理論上的缺陷,這場關于片面共犯的理論革命開始走向了理性反思的回歸之路。

If the peculiar relationship between truth ' s absolutism and relativism can be called “ truth ' s antinomy , “ many philosophical issues over recent several decades of years aim at solving this antinomy 摘要如果將真理的絕對主義與相對主義之吊詭稱作“真理的二律背反” ,那么近數十年來,許多哲學問題都是為了解決這個二律背反。


Driven by the needs of their own , people form their ideas in the comse of satisfying themselves in relation to the outside objects and manifest their ideas in a unique style , and become part of human beings . second , the contradiction between absoluteness and relativity in the course of satisfying and realizing the needs of man ' s survival and development become the peculiar antinomy of the education of thinking and politics , namely the contradiction between man ' s thinking with its behavior and requirements of social development . this therefore determines the establishment of the systems of the education of thinking and politics and the practicality and inevitability of initiating activities 人的思想的形成從根本動因來講,不是一種外在的強加,也不是一種主觀自生,它源于人的生存與發展的需要,它是人在其需要的驅動作用下,在人們不斷追求其生存與發展需要的滿足和實現的過程中建立起來的對象性關系、對象性活動中產生和形成的,它構成了人所獨有的思想形式及其內涵,并作為人的一個重要組成部分而存在;其二、人的生存與發展需要的滿足和實現過程所具有的絕對性與相對性矛盾,構成了思想政治教育的特殊矛盾,即人的思想及其行為與社會發展要求之間的矛盾,并由此決定了思想政治教育體系的建立和活動開展的現實可能性和客觀必然性;其三、人的生存與發展的需要也決定了在思想政治教育活動中特定的人與人之間的關系,即教育者與受教育者之間辯證的互動關系。

This thesis intends to analyzes and expound the appropriating public funds criminal charges in lawmaking , penal code theories and many problems occurring in judicial actual situation , the existent antinomy and dispute with judgment , and the value of application , in order to gel the further cognition of the innate character of the appropriating public funds criminal 本文意圖從挪用公款罪的歷史沿革入手,對該罪名在立法、刑法理論和司法實務中的諸多問題,存在的矛盾、對立和爭議,及其應用價值有重點地進行評析、論證和判斷,以求得我們對挪用公款罪的本質認識和研究能更進一步。

Overall , to realize “ three transformations “ by displaying the person ' s subjective dynamic role to actively create conditions urges the antinomy between environment and development from “ two difficulties “ to “ double wins “ , and from “ sacrifice environment for economical growth “ to “ the economical growth to protect the environment “ , thus steps onto the production developes healthly , lives wealthily , good ecology path 總之,實施“三個轉變”就是發揮人的主觀能動作用,積極創造條件,促使環境與發展的矛盾由“兩難”向“雙贏”轉化,將“以犧牲環境換取經濟增長”轉變為“以保護環境,優化經濟增長” ,真正走上生產發展、生活富裕、生態良好的文明發展道路。

The environment problem is an ancient problem . after entering the industrialization , the mankind face the increasingly serious pollution of the environment . the antinomy that solves the economy growth and environmental protections must have the right economic theories to guide . although theoretically we can prove that government control and emission taxes and tradable emission permits have similar efficiency , they have big dissimilarity in practice . this explain that three assumption conditions of the three means have different contended degree in actual live , and this must to be explained theoretically 解決經濟增長和環境保護的矛盾必須有正確的經濟理論指導。雖然理論上我們可以證明政府管制、排污稅和排污權交易具有相同的效率,但在實際中運用效果有著很大的不同。這說明三者假設條件在現實生活中的滿足程度不同,為此理論上必須加以解釋。

The paper discusses that the province class gives or get an electric shock the implement programming of the big and digital library construction , investigating the work to practice the medium regulation understanding , putting forward the province class the electricity construct the numerical library and must face greatly five antinomy relation 摘要本文總結了1999年試點項目開展以來電大數字圖書館建設的階段規劃和歷程,提煉了規律性的實踐認識,提出了電大數字圖書館建設需要解決的五對矛盾。

The paradigm of integrated researching is clearly brought out in this article as a reply to the antinomy in the researching field of the psychological well - being ' s criterion . we value such a paradigm , because it is one of the best methods which can help us getting out of the previous difficulty and an inevitable answer to the tendency of modern psychology 針對國內外心理健康標準研究的混亂狀態,本文提出心理健康標準研究的新范式? ?整合研究范式,并指出該研究范式是使心理健康標準研究走出混亂局面的最佳途徑之一,是對現代心理學主流發展趨勢的必然回應。

The writer pursues such a target : suit requirement of economic development of the socialist market , further reform and perfect system of individual income tax law , improve and enhance collection management , strengthen regulation of persons of high income , and alleviate the unjust antinomy of social assignment , promote social stability , establish continuous and stable increasing mechanism of income of individual income tax , and more availably develop positive effect of the individual income tax in politics , economy and social living , following suggestion is put iv forward so as to realize the target : to practice admixture type of the individual income tax system classifying combining with synthesizing , reasonably determine tax rate and tax deduction standard , standardize taxpayer ' s scope , adjusting and extending the tax base , standardize advance payment system , and establish perfect and scientific modem tax levy & management system the etc . , so as to have th 本文筆者力圖追求這樣一個目標:適應社會主義市場經濟發展的要求,進一步改革和完善個人所得稅法律制度,改進和強化征收管理,加大對高收入廠、碩士學位論文alaster ” stdis一者的調節力度,緩解社會分配不公的矛盾,促進社會穩定,建立起個人所得稅收入的持續、穩定增長機制,更加有效地發揮個人所得稅在政治、經濟和社會生活中的積極作用。為了實現這個目標提出了如下建議:實行分類同綜合相結合的混合型個人所得稅制,合理確定稅率和扣除標準,規范納稅人范圍,調整和擴大稅基,規范預扣繳制度,建立完善、科學的現代化稅務征管系統等,以期對我國個人所得稅法律制度的修訂和完善有所稗益。

When the common people tum into the main body in the intemet from producing to accephng , the taste consciousness gestating froin internet occur antinomy to that traditional and classical and legitimacy view accordngly , the intemet wil overthrw the criterion that is luminny delegated by mainstream media . ths study ms that being relative to the masses media , the subdivision internet media provide mulhfarious viewpoint , increasing choice 當平民大眾成為網絡上審美活動從創作到接受的全過程的主體力量之后,由此孕育和催生出來的審美意識,就要與現實生活中傳統的、經典的或正統的審美意識發生抵牾,并進而沖擊、消解和顛覆社會中既有的以主流傳媒為代表的“權威性”審美觀念和標準。

Contents : our country the company manage to practice of turn into process , existing antinomy and development trend , produce power system the entrepreneur manpower in the reform capital value peace treaty to tie a mechanism * the company manage medium results management , benefits mechanism and management ability 主要內容:公司治理實踐的演變過程、現有矛盾和發展趨勢、產權制度改革中企業家人力資本價值和約束機制、公司治理中的績效管理、利益機制和管理能力。

The grid provided the above antinomy of a kind of solution with the difficulty ' s thought method for us , make use of the grid technique for completely handle the resources to share , person machine the combination wait the problem with information safety , and have important of leading meaning 網格為我們提供了一種解決上述矛盾和困難的思維方式,運用網格技術對于全面處理資源共享、人機結合和信息安全等問題,有重大的指導意義。

As long as both parties set out from tile general situation with a farsighted foothold , arid are skilled in holding the opportunity , greeting the challenge , contracting the rift , dissolving the antinomy , and enhancing the cooperation , the future relation of the both parties is certainly even better 只要雙方從大局出發,立足長遠,善于抓住機遇,迎接挑戰,縮小分歧,化解矛盾,強化合作,雙方關系的前景一定會更加美好。

Along with the economic structure adjustin of crease , the system antinomy is outstanding , the choice of opportunity more and more for society residents , the personal social economy position status was filled with the variable , the social problem is gradually complicated 隨著經濟結構調整步伐加大,體制性矛盾更加突出,居民面臨的社會選擇機遇越來越多,個人的經濟社會地位充滿了變數,社會問題日趨復雜。

In the information war , the pilots should be capable of not only knowing well the high technique equips , but also handling the antinomy and conflict among their rationality , emotion and willpower , which is exactly the purpose of human quality education 信息化戰爭條件下,不僅要求飛行員熟悉高技術裝備,而且能夠處理好自身理性、情感、意志方面的矛盾和沖突,這正是人文素質教育的目的所在。

There is essential antinomy in the process of implementing their codes by multinational capital : on one hand , seeking for the most profits is the essence of the capital , on the other hand , mncs restrict to exploit the labor excessly on their own initiative 跨國資本在推行生產守則的過程中存在一個基本的悖論:一方面,資本的本質是追求利潤的最大化;另一方面,卻主動限制對勞工的過度剝削。

The reconstruction of social engineering can be carried on the base of solving reasonably the basic social antinomy according to the essence and characteristics of system theory , and then attain the purpose of a harmonious engineering design 社會工程構建的基礎是在合理解決社會基本矛盾的基礎上,按照系統的本質和特點進行實施,從而實現對社會發展結構的重建,達到工程設計的目的。