
antinode n.【物理學】(波)腹、腹點。


If the velocity of atoms is near to zero , the light for ces will tend to confine the atoms near to nodes and antinodes . the stability depends on the magnitude of the negative slope of the light force , the depth of the potential well and the momentum diffusion coefficient . it is important to select the parameters , e . g 如果通過激光冷卻能使原子速度降至很小甚至為零,光壓力的作用將使原子被較穩定地囚禁于激光駐波場的節點和反節點處,其穩定程度取決于該處光壓力曲線負斜率的大小、對應勢能的勢阱深度以及動量擴散系數的大小,因此,如何在實驗中合理選擇激光強度、失諧量等顯得尤為關鍵。

Accordingly , wiener could conclude that the blackened regions were associated with antinodes of the e - field 因此,維納能夠推斷出:變黑的區域是同e場的波腹相聯系的。

Accordingly, wiener could conclude that the blackened regions were associated with antinodes of the e-field . 因此,維納能夠推斷出:變黑的區域是同E場的波腹相聯系的。

The most efficient input of energy is actually at an antinode . 能量的最大有效輸入是在波腹。

An antinode is midway between two nodes . 腹點位于兩個波節的中途。