
antineutrino n.【物理學】反中微子。


In the april 14 physical review letters , investigators at the university of basel in switzerland and their colleagues suggest antineutrinos streaming in huge numbers from the neutron star could irradiate the protons and turn some into neutrons , which build stable , heavy isotopes 在4月14日的《物理評論通訊》中,瑞士巴塞爾大學的研究人員與合作伴提出,從中子星大量涌出的反微中子會照射質子,并使部份質子轉變為中子,以形成穩定的重同位素。

Now researchers report that antineutrinos , ghostly particles with tiny masses , might generate these rare ingredients 近來有研究人員提出,這些罕見成份的來源,可能是質量微小的幽靈粒子反微中子。

There is a good chance that this outward diffusion of neutrinos and antineutrinos plays a crucial role in the supernova explosion . 中微子和反中微子的這種向外的散射很可能在超新星爆發中起著關鍵的作用。

Ordinarily, neutrinos and antineutrinos readily escape from stellar interiors without making collisions . 通常,中微子和反中微子容易無碰撞地從星體內部逃逸出去。