
antimissile adj.反導彈的。


Abstract : the paper emphasizes on exoatmospheric antimissile missile rapid reaiming problem , and according to pontryagin ' s maximum principle the optimal control law in the conditions of long miss distance and long elimination time is presented 文摘:針對大氣層外反導導彈快速重新瞄準問題,在脫靶量和消除它的時間都比較大的情況下,用龐特里亞金極大值原理求出了最優控制規律。

Ironically , use of an antimissile interceptor against a nuclear - tipped target with a proximity fuse could in fact set off a destructive hane phenomenon 諷刺的是,如果使用反飛彈攔截裝置對付具備近炸引信的核彈頭目標,反而更容易造成破壞性的高空核爆現象。

In the end , the research towards interception performance needs to be carried on as antimissile kinetic interception could adopt the combat mode based on interception result 最后,由于反導動能攔截可以采用基于效果的作戰模式,所以需對攔截性能進行研究。

The house and senate appropriations committees have approved separate plans to fund contracts valued at up to 60 million to deploy the antimissile technology 該發言人還稱,參眾兩院撥款委員會已經批準數個計劃,以6000萬美元撥款資助研究反導彈技術。

The problem of electromagnetic compatibility is general occurred during integrated antimissile operation of electronic counter measure ( ecm ) and ship - to - air missile ( sam ) system 摘要電子對抗與艦空導彈在綜合反導時,往往會存在電磁不兼容的情況。

Another customization could be an apollo 2 with reflective armor , an antimissile system , a power engine , and a shield generator 你定制的另一個單位可能叫做阿波羅2號裝備的有反射裝甲,反導彈系統,電力引擎和防護罩發射器。

Antimissile defence and antimissile treaty 反導防御與反導條約