
antimatter n.【物理學】反物質。

However , such an “ anti - periodic table of elements “ is thought to be , at best , highly unlikely , as the quantities of antimatter required would be , quite literally , astronomical 然而,如此的一個被想象的“元素反周期表” ,充其量,可能性不大,照字面上理解如同必需的反物質的量會是大得無法估計那樣。

When matter and antimatter meet , they “ annihilate “ ( mutually destroy ) , and their energy reappears as photons or other particle - antiparticle pairs 當物質和反物質相遇時,它們就會泯滅(相互消滅) ,然后它們的能量會以光子或粒子?反粒子形式再次出現。


Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before , the cambridge university cosmologist said that space - rockets propelled by the kind of matter / antimatter annihilation technology popularised in star trek would be needed to help homo sapiens colonise hospitable planets orbiting alien stars 這位劍橋大學宇宙論者重提他過去曾多次探討的主題說,星艦奇航記中那種廣為人知的物質?反物質的互相抵消科技推動的太空火箭,可以用來幫助人類移民到環繞外星球運行的友善行星。

In science fiction , antimatter , with its perfect convertibility to energy , is the ultimate rocket fuel , but the cern scientists see their antihydrogen atoms as a ticket not across the galaxy but in effect to a different mathematical universe , in which positive is negative and left is right 在科幻小說中,反物質,由于其可完全轉變為能量,是終極火箭燃料,但是cern科學家除了不超出不同的數學宇宙的相互作用外認為他們的反氫原子不是一張銀河入場券,在宇宙里正就是負而左就是右。

Nearly 36 billion years ago , almost twice as long as the age that modern astrophysics supposes to be the age of the universe , the set of mutually reflective relations that constitute the paired universe of matter and antimatter began to enter and , thereby , define three - dimensional space 將近360億年以前,差不多比現代天體物理學推想的宇宙年齡長2倍,互相反射關系組合構成物質和反物質開始進入的成對宇宙,因此,定義為三維空間。

It is estimated that the big bang contributed about 300 neutrinos per cm3 today throughout the universe . they may play an important role in cosmological processes such as structure formation and the development of matter - antimatter asymmetry in the universe 估計每立方公分約有三百粒大爆炸產生的中微子,它們在宇宙結構的形成物質-反物質不對稱性等重要宇宙學課題,可能擔當重要的角色。

Matter and antimatter are like the good and evil twins of nature ; they are endowed with equal and opposite characteristics like charge and spin , so if they meet they obliterate each other , releasing a flash of energy upon contact 物質和反物質就像自然界善良與邪惡的雙胞胎;它們被賦予相同和相反的特性類似電荷及旋轉,因此如果它們相遇,它們接觸之后,釋放出能量閃光。

The nuclei and their constituent protons and neutrons literally melt , and many more quarks , antiquarks ( antimatter opposites of the quarks ) and gluons are created from all the energy available 在此原子核與其組成的質子與中子真的就融化了,而從所有可用的能量之中,創生出更多的夸克、反夸克(夸克的反物質)與膠子。

However , such an “ anti - periodic table of elements “ is thought to be , at best , highly unlikely , as the quantities of antimatter required would be , quite literally , astronomical 然而,如此的一個被想象的“元素反周期表” ,充其量,可能性不大,照字面上理解如同必需的反物質的量會是大得無法估計那樣。

Scientists in 1995 succeeded in producing anti - atoms of hydrogen , and also anti - deuteron nuclei , made out of an antiproton and an antineutron , but not yet more complex antimatter 科學家在1995年成功生產了氫的反原子,以及反氘核核子,由一個反質子和一個反中子生成,僅僅還不能是更為復雜的反物質。

Matter and antimatter are perfect opposites ; for each of the basic particles of matter , there exists an antiparticle , in which properties such as the electric charge are reversed 物質和反物質是理想的對立事物;對于每一種基本物質粒子而言,存在一種反粒子,它具有象電荷顛倒那樣的特性。

Zoroaster - z - return . . . to zero point - when matter and antimatter merge and the cycles of time cease to exit - when all returns to balance and consciousness spirals back 瑣羅亞斯德? ? z ? ?回歸… …到零點? ?當物質和反物質融合,時間周期終止存在? ?當一切回歸到平衡和意識旋轉返回。

In principle , sufficiently large quantities of antimatter could produce anti - nuclei of other elements , which would have exactly the same properties as their positive - matter counterparts 原理上,超量反物質可以制造其它元素反核子,完全具有如同它們的正-物質類似版本一般的特性。

This parper exptores the interaction force of antimatters , and gives the four types interaction force and its intensity through comparison of the particles with antiparticles 探討了反物質的基本作用力場,并取得了正、反粒子系統4種作用力及其強度的比較結果。

When matter and antimatter meet , they “ annihilate “ ( mutually destroy ) , and their energy reappears as photons or other particle - antiparticle pairs 當物質和反物質相遇時,它們就會泯滅(相互消滅) ,然后它們的能量會以光子或粒子?反粒子形式再次出現。

They are the antimatter opposites of electrons - - that is , they have the same mass ( amount of matter ) as electrons , but they carry the opposite charge 它們是電子的反物質,也就是說它們具有與電子相同的質量但是帶有相反的電荷。

Antimatter has been part of physics since 1927 when its existence was predicted by the british physicist paul dirac 當英國的物理學家保羅迪拉克預言反物質存在的時候,從1927年以后它就成為物理學的一部份。

Antimatter / matter reactions have practical applications in medical imaging , see positron emission tomography ( pet ) 反物質/物質反應在醫學成像有實際應用,注意正電子放射斷層攝影術( pet ) 。

The unequal distribution between matter and antimatter in the universe has long been a mystery 原理上,超量反物質可以制造其它元素反核子,完全具有如同它們的正-物質類似版本一般的特性。