
antimalarial adj.抗瘧的。n.抗瘧藥。


Since the middle of 20th century chinese scientists have put considerable effort and resources into the search for new antimalarial compounds extracted from chinese traditional herbs . an antimalarial drug was finally isolated in 1971 and named artemisinin or qinghaosu . its rapid action , low toxicity and powerful effect against falciparum malaria made it a favored subject for research 青蒿素是一種含過氧基團組成縮酮的新倍半萜內酯,我國科學工作者于二十世紀70年代首次從中藥青蒿即菊科植物黃花蒿( artemisiaannua )中分離出青蒿素。

Subsequently . it has been found in all normal cells examined so far except the kidney cells . tctp homologues among the species are highly conserved , which suggest that the protein might have an essential function in cell . lt was reported that tctp caused the release of histamine from ige + basophils and was capable of various functions including calcium binding . metal homeostasis , intracellular signaling and reacting with antimalarial drugs 從植物到動物的各類細胞中, tctp都有廣泛的高度同源性和高度保守性,提示tctp在細胞中有重要的生物學功能。雖然報道認為tctp具有鈣結合、金屬內環境穩定、細胞內信號傳導、作為ige依賴性組胺釋放因子等功能,但其具體生物學功能尚待進一步研究闡明。

Now qinghaosu and some of it ' s derivatives are being used around the world as effective new antimalarial drugs in the fight against falciparum malaria , including multi - drug - resistant plasmodium falciparum . in addition , recent studies also indicate that some qinghaosu derivatives have other bioactivities , including antiparasitic and anticancer activities 國內外大量理化試驗、藥理研究和臨床應用表明青蒿素是抗瘧的有效成分,認為青蒿素的發現是抗瘧史上的重大突破,最近,美國和歐洲的一些實驗室研究表明青蒿素還具有抗癌的活性。

Artemisinin was originally isolated from artemisia annua , a herb used as the ancient chinese herbal remedy . artemisinin and its derivatives are new types of antimalarial with stable endoperoxide bridges differing from others , for instance chloroquine 青蒿素類藥物是一種與已知抗瘧藥如氯喹等完全不同的新型化合物。大量藥理及臨床研究證明青蒿素類藥物是優于氯喹的抗瘧新藥,具有速效、低毒、高效等特點。

Lots of pharmacological and clinical experiments indicate that artemisinin is high effective with low toxicity . evidences from many laboratories suggest that the antimalarial function of artemisinin depends on the cleavage of the endoperoxide by binding to intraparasitic heme 雖然目前還沒有直接證據表明蟲體內蛋白質烷化是蟲體致死的原因,但烷化蛋白與青蒿素類藥物抗瘧作用有關是很明顯的。

They include oral rehydration therapy , antibiotics , antimalarial drugs and insecticide - treated bednets , vitamin a and other micronutrients , promotion of breastfeeding , immunization , and skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth 這些干預包括口服補液療法,抗菌素,抗瘧疾藥和經殺蟲劑處理過的蚊帳,維生素a和其它營養素,促進母乳喂養,免疫以及妊娠和分娩期間的熟練照護。

Screening target ' gene of artemisinin antimalarials using drug - western from cdna expressing library : 12 b - deoxoartemisinyl - ( 4 ' - oxyacetic acid ) phenyl ether was linked to bsa by using of edc cross ! inker and the product acted as drug - probe 對重組pmd一18一t克隆載體及pqe一30表達載體雙酶切,提取tctp基因和pqe一30空載體并使二者重組,然后轉化m15 ,挑取陽

By 1970 ddt spraying , elimination of mosquito breeding sites and the expanded use of antimalarial drugs freed more than 500 million people , or roughly one third of those previously living under malaria ' s cloud 到了1970年,由于噴? ddt 、清除蚊子繁殖地,以及擴大使用抗瘧藥物,超過五億人得以免受瘧疾的威脅,約略是原先生活在瘧疾陰影下人口的1 / 3 。

In addition to effective antimalarial drugs , close monitoring and adequate supportive treatment in an intensive care unit are usually mandatory for patients with severe falciparum malaria infection 對嚴重的惡性瘧疾感染,除了有效的抗瘧疾藥物治療外,也往往需要重癥加護單位嚴密的監控及適當的支持性療法。

Antimalarial quality monitor in yunnan province 云南省抗瘧疾藥物質量監測分析