
antilogy n.(觀念,言語等的)前后矛盾,自相矛盾。


And the problem is attributed to the factor of cadre s antilogy and the privatization of information . the solutions to them are the administrative intervention of high level leaders and constitute the compulsory administrative laws about information share . however , except for a few trial units , most units still regard information share as a big question 實際上關于電子政務信息共享的困難研討早在三年前就見諸于媒體,政務信息共享的困難被歸咎于干部思想認識的因素、信息的部門私有化。而解決的方法是高層領導行政干預及制定強制共享的行政法規。

So the theory of the thoughts and the activities , the changes in the antilogy of bernstein were investigated in detail , on the basis of the historical materialism and the dialectical materialism , to make the impersonal and right judge to bernstein in the years of 1880 - 1895 . there are two parts of preface and text in this article 因此,本文將在堅持歷史唯物主義和辯證唯物主義的立場和方法的基礎上,以他在1880 ? 1895年間的思想理論和實踐活動作為主線,對伯恩施坦在這一階段的思想理論、實踐活動以及思想變化進行研究,以期對1880 ? 1895年間的伯恩施坦做出客觀公正的評判。

Secondly , this paper analysised the core enterprise in sc , pointed out the commercioganic 7 aspects of the core enterprise for partner , it included the sway in industry of core enterprise , the product exploitation ability and occupancy share in market of core enterprise , the main product structure of core enterprise , business credit standing of core enterprise , the management antilogy and cooperation inspirit of core enterprise , the finance status of core enterprise , these also are demand of partner for core enterprise in sc , in the same time , it analysised 5 points demand of core enterprise for partner 其次,分析了供應鏈中的核心企業,指出了核心企業對合作伙伴的內在吸引力的七個方面,它們包括核心企業在行業中的影響力、核心企業產品的開發能力與在市場中的占有率、核心企業主導產品的結構、核心企業的商業信譽、核心企業的經營思想與合作精神、核心企業的財務狀況,這也是合作伙伴對供應鏈中核心企業的要求,同時分析了核心企業對合作伙伴的5點要求。

In the first chapter the author looks back the antilogy origin and evolution of the theory of human capital , and systematically introduce the theory of human capital so far with the time clue 第一章回顧了人力資本理論的思想淵源與發展,以時間為線索對迄今為止人力資本方面的思想和理論進行了系統的介紹。

There are many kinds of constructivism and sometimes they are antilogy , for where there are constructivists , there is constructivism 其來源駁雜,流派紛呈,有時甚至自相矛盾。因為,有多少個建構主義者,可能就有多少種建構主義。