
antilles n.pl. 安的列斯群島〔西印度群島的組成部分〕。 Gr...


Were his first words when rescued by the crew of a dutch frigate who spotted him while searching for drug smugglers in waters near the dutch antilles , spokesman willem cosijn said 當這名男子被荷蘭一艘護衛艦的船員救上來時,他說的第一句話就是: “有巧克力羊角面包和牛奶嗎? ”

Tropical storm emily closed in on the windward islands of the eastern caribbean on wednesday , prompting storm warnings from barbados to the netherlands antilles 熱帶風暴艾米麗emily星期三在東加勒比海的上風小島登陸,巴巴多斯島迅速向荷蘭安的列斯群島發出警告。

An island of the netherlands antilles in the caribbean sea off the northern coast of venezuela . tourism is important to its economy 博內爾島荷屬安的列斯群島中的一個島嶼,在加勒地海上,離委內瑞拉北部海濱不遠。旅游業對該島的經濟舉足輕重

Players from malaysia , indonesia , romania , bulgaria , netherland antilles and all us outlying states will be excluded from the new player sign up bonus promotion 大陸,馬來西亞,印尼,羅馬尼亞,保加利亞,美國等地玩家無紅利。

Belgium , france , germany , italy , luxembourg , monaco , netherlands , netherlands antilles , united kingdom 比利時,法國,德國,意大利,盧森堡,摩納哥,荷蘭,荷屬安的列斯,英國

Captain antilles . - yes , your highness 安德列斯船長-是的,閣下

- captain antilles . - yes , your highness -安德列斯船長-是的,閣下