
antihistamine n.【藥學】抗組胺劑〔用以治療過敏反應〕。adj.-hi...


Medication and eye drops taking non - sedating antihistamines , oral decongestants , inhaled medications including anti - inflammatory nasal sprays and using eye drops to control and treat symptoms 使用無鎮靜作用的抗組胺藥物和滴眼液、口腔減充血劑、吸入藥物,包括:抗炎鼻腔噴霧劑和眼藥水來控制和治療癥狀。

I ' ll put you on antibiotic , expectorant and analgesic . there will be a prescription for a decongestant and antihistamine . you should continue with it even the cold is over 我會給你抗生素、消炎藥和止痛藥。還有一張處方是(鼻子)解充血劑和抗組胺劑。就算感冒好了也要繼續使用。

Often used to treat allergies , antihistamines aren ' t the best for colds because they dry up nasal membranes and slow the mucus flow that helps rid your nasal passages of germs 它通常用于過敏的治療,因其干燥鼻黏膜、降低粘液流動而阻止細菌經鼻排出,不適合用來應對感冒。

Side effects of some drugs such as cold tablets , antihistamines , diuretics or preservatives in eye - drops , etc . the eyes have stinging , burning sensation and become photophobic Iv )藥物反應- -如使用感冒藥、抗過敏藥、利尿劑及含有防腐劑的眼藥水等。

Topical antihistamine lotions can actually cause allergic reactions - particularly in already - sensitive skin - that will only worsen your discomfort 目前的抗組胺劑洗液會產生過敏反應- -尤其對本來就是敏感的皮膚來說- -那將只會讓你的不適變得更糟。

Conventional treatments for insomnia include the use of bz and bz receptor - acting hypnotics ( e . g . zolpidem ) , tricyclic antidepressants and antihistamines 常見治療失眠的方法是使用苯二氮卓類藥物(例如zolpidem ) 、三環類抗抑郁藥或抗組胺藥。

Side effects of some drugs such as cold tablets , antihistamines , diuretics or preservatives in eye - drops , etc . the eyes have stinging , burning sensation and become photophobic Iv藥物反應-如使用感冒藥抗過敏藥利尿劑及含有防腐劑的眼藥水等。

Oral antihistamines - histamine is responsible for some symptoms of eczema but particularly the itching . taking antihistamine ensures a good night ' s rest 口服抗組胺劑- -組胺和濕疹的一些癥狀特別是和癢有關。服用抗組胺劑可以確保晚上休息好。

You should also carry an antihistamine pill , such as diphenhydramine ( benadryl , others ) , because the effects of epinephrine are only temporary 你也應該攜帶抗阻胺劑藥片,如苯海拉明(本那君等) ,因為腎上腺素只是起一個臨時作用。

It can be a side effect of drugs , from antihistamines to beta blockers . therefore , diagnosis can be tricky and time - consuming 它可能是藥物的副作用,是抗組織胺類藥或? -受體阻滯藥所引起的。因此,診斷是棘手的,也是耗費時間的。

Some long - sold over - the - counter sedating antihistamines can be safe and effective , especially when taken before getting in the car 一些長期售賣的具有鎮靜作用的抗組胺非處方藥是安全有效的,最好在上車以前服用。

However , symptomatic eosinophilic peritonitis can benefit from short courses of therapy with steroids or antihistamine 但有癥狀的嗜伊紅性腹膜炎短期以類固醇或抗組織胺藥物治療是有幫助。

One case was treated with antihistamine and low dose steroid and the other was treated with supportive treatment 一位病人以抗組織胺藥物及低劑量類固醇治療,另一位則以癥狀治療。

Symptomatic treatment such as antihistamines cannot kill the viruses but may help to relieve the discomfort 治療徵狀的藥物(例如抗組胺藥)不能殺死病毒,但可減輕身體不適。

Antihistamines can also minimize itch , but be sure you stick to oral medications 抗組胺劑也能減少瘙癢,但是你采用的一定要是口服治療藥。

Medical treatment includes antibiotics , steroid , antihistamine and decongestant 內科治療包括抗生素、類固醇、抗組織胺及去充血劑。

Even more costly are 14 ) antihistamines 感冒藥就更貴了。

Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment 抗組胺劑藥物可以提供比較有效的治療。

Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment 而抗組胺劑提供了一種有效的治療方式。