
antigua n.安提瓜(島)〔拉丁美洲〕。

antigua and barbuda

Currently , of the aforesaid ten caricom countries , holders of the hong kong special administrative region hksar passport do not require a visa for visit to the following six countries , namely commonwealth of dominica , jamaica , st kitts and nevis , st lucia , st vincent and the grenadines as well as trinidad and tobago . however , given the introduction of the caricom special visa requirement , they are advised to apply for an appropriate visa if they intend to visit these countries during the specified period . holders of the hksar passport still require a visa for travelling to the other four countries , namely antigua and barbuda , barbados , grenada and guyana 現時,在上述加共體十國之中,香港特區護照持有人無須持簽證前往以下六國旅游:多米尼克國、牙買加、圣基茨和尼維斯、圣盧西亞、圣文森特和格林納丁斯及特立尼達和多巴哥。但鑒于統一特殊簽證的實施,香港特區護照持有人于上述期間前往該些國家,須申領合適的簽證。香港特區護照持有人仍須持簽證前往其馀四國:安提瓜和巴布達、巴巴多斯、格林納達及圭亞那。

An immigration department spokesman said today january 12 that information had been received that during the period of four months from january 15 to may 15 this year , the following ten caribbean community caricom countries , namely antigua and barbuda , barbados , commonwealth of dominica , grenada , guyana , jamaica , st kitts and nevis , st lucia , st vincent and the grenadines as well as trinidad and tobago would be treated as a single domestic space where a caricom special visa was required for entry . the arrangement was said to accommodate the special security and other considerations relating to the cricket world cup 2007 2007年1月12日入境事務處發言人今日(一月十二日)宣布,處方接獲消息,在本年一月十五日至五月十五日的四個月期間,加共體中十國將實行統一特殊簽證。該十個國家為安提瓜和巴布達、巴巴多斯、多米尼克國、格林納達、圭亞那、牙買加、圣基茨和尼維斯、圣盧西亞、圣文森特和格林納丁斯及特立尼達和多巴哥。

Coffees we carry are jamaican blue mountain , hawaiian kona , brazil bourbon santos , colombian supremo , costa rican sarchi , guatemala antigua , and ethiopian mocha limu , and so on 本公司代理的咖啡分別有牙買加藍山一號、夏威夷康拿、巴西山度士、哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加、危地馬拉安提加、埃塞俄比亞也加沙夫等等。

Yet in its complaint to the wto , antigua pointed out that some 18 american states allow their citizensto place internet and telephone bets on horse races and other sportingevents with american firms 安提瓜向wto提出,美國有18個州允許公民對體育賽事、跑馬透過互聯網同電話投注于美國公司。

Antigua in particular is engaged in a strong defense of internet gaming , one of the tiny caribbean states few economic success stories 安提瓜是加勒比海小國中為數不多的經濟成功國家,該國對網上博彩給予了強力保護。

The loss of markets in antigua , with an economy 0 . 007 per cent the size of the us , is unlikely to hurt washington 安提瓜的經濟規模相當于美國的0 . 007 % ,失去這樣一個市場,不太可能對美國造成什么損傷。

Another is that the eu , with rather more clout than antigua , could bring a copycat case to the wto 另一個原因是,實力大大超過安提瓜的歐盟可能會向世貿組織提交一個翻版案例。

A problem with a sail on the 28ft boat delayed his arrival in antigua by 24 hours 在航行途中佩勒姆駕駛的船的帆出現了點毛病,這使得他到達終點時比預計時間完了24小時。

If antigua ' s interpretation is correct , the implications could be substantial 如果安提瓜的解釋正確,那么這項裁決可能意義重大。

Upgrading of electricity transmission and transformation line antigua and barbuda 輸變電改造項目安提瓜和巴布達

Ange venus productions antigua pictures 珠圓肉潤美女986

Chinese embassy in the antigua and barbuda 中華人民共和國駐安提瓜和巴布達大使館