
antifungal adj.殺真菌的。


The mechanism of function and application of antifungal drugs and antifungal means in the medical and mycological realms as well as the role of saccharide in the antifungal process are described in this paper 本文主要就抗真菌藥物、抗真菌方法在醫學和植物真菌學領域的作用機理及應用以及糖類物質的抗真菌活性進行了綜述。

The resulting derivative strains produced antifungal activity in a manner different from the parental strain , indicating the original promoter was replaced with the engineered promoters and the epitopes 衍生菌株合成抗真菌抗生素的產量與親本菌株不同,表明fr - 008基因的原始啟動子已被改造后的啟動子和抗原決定簇所代替。

Hemorrhoid treatments and vaginal antifungals will stimulate the growth of medicated skin care sales on the whole and the dynamism will be attributed to aggressive marketing and increased health consciousness 治痔藥和陰道抗真菌藥將支持皮膚用藥整體銷售額的增加。預計戒煙藥和眼部用藥的未來前景非常樂觀。

The frequency of invasive fungal infections has risen dramatically in recent years , increasing antifungal selection pressure and the emergence of antifungal resistance 摘要近年來,真菌感染,尤其是酵母樣真菌感染的發病率和嚴重程度呈逐年上升趨勢,且隨著耐藥菌株的不斷出現,可選擇的抗菌藥物受到限制。

Fr - 008 is a strain producing a complex of heptaene macrolide antifungal antibiotics , one of which , previously named fr - 008 was regarded to bis similar to candicidin , but different in sugar moiety Hplc分析研究表明,它與灰色鏈霉菌imru3570產生的殺假絲菌素是同一種物質,均含有相同的幾種主要組分。

Los angeles ( reuters ) oct 01 - u . s . drug regulators on friday said they had approved antifungal granules that can be sprinkled on a child ' s food to treat tinea capitis 路透社消息: 10月1日,星期五,美國藥物管理者在洛杉磯宣布:為了治療頭癬,他們批準了向兒童食物中噴灑地吉妥辛(一種抗真菌藥物) 。

In recent decades , with the development of biomedicine , new antifungal agents are continuously emerging and the research towards their mechanism of function is deepening day by day 近幾十年來,隨著生物醫學的發展,新的抗真菌的藥物不斷涌現,對抗真菌物質的作用機理的研究也日益加深。

It produced strong antifungal bioactive substance on medium containing 4 % of starch , 0 . 5 % of yeast extract and 75 % of stale seawater cultured at 28 for 96h 海洋微生物菌株041381利用淀粉培養基(淀粉4 ,酵母膏0 . 5 ,陳海水75 ) ,在28下靜置發酵培養96h產抗真菌活性物質。

Its strong activity of inhibition to different phytopathogenic fungi , showed the great potential to be used as new antifungal drug in future Aps對受試真菌中多種常見病原真菌的強烈抑制作用,已初步證明了其醫藥應用前景,它具有開發成為新一代抗真菌藥物的潛在價值。

Most fungal infection can be treated by topical antifungal medication . if the infection is very extensive or serious , oral antifungal drugs may be required 一般的皮膚癬可使用外用抗真菌藥物治療,而頑固或嚴重的感染則需服用抗真菌藥物以徹底根除感染。

We sought to determine the approach to antifungal prophylaxis , and diagnostic and therapeutic practices for the management of invasive aspergillosis in liver transplant recipients 我們在此探尋肝移植受者侵襲性曲霉菌感染的預防、診斷以及治療。

Medical microbiology - susceptibility testing of microbial pathogens to antimicrobial agents - part 84 : microdilution ; special requirements for testing of fungi against antifungal agents 醫療用微生物學.微生物病源細菌對殺菌劑敏感性的檢測

The antifungal substance was stable at high temperature and acidic - alkaline condition . it was soluable in water , disoluable in alcohol and lipid 該活性物質具有良好酸堿穩定性和熱穩定性,水溶性較強,醇溶性和酯溶性較差。

Conclusions : empirical antifungal therapy would seem to be indicated in patients with suspected femoral catheter - related bloodstream infection 結論:經驗抗真菌治療對于懷疑股動脈導管相關血流感染的病人而言似乎很有效。

All cases , except the cutaneous infection that was accessible to surgical resection and a systemic antifungal treatment , were fatal 除外皮膚感染的患者能夠行全身性抗真菌感染并行手術切除外,所有的患者均死亡。

Overall , 91 % of the sites employed antifungal prophylaxis ; 28 % used universal prophylaxis and 72 % targeted it toward high - risk patients 91 %的中心采用預防性抗真菌治療; 28 %采用所有患者預防, 78 %針對高危患者。

The antimicrobial characters of the fermenting liquor of bc98 - b cereus and its antifungal crude extraction on fusarium oxysporum f sp cucumerinum owen 發酵液與抑菌粗提物對黃瓜枯萎病菌的抑菌特性研究

Antifungal topical drugs are used to treat infections caused by fungal but can also cause more severe diseases and side effect 抗菌藥物是用來治療局部感染霉菌,還可引起更嚴重的疾病和方效力

Consideration of these practices could guide clinical trial design to optimize antifungal prophylaxis in these patients 我們可以考慮設計相關臨床試驗來優化這些患者的預防性抗真菌治療。