
antifriction adj.減少摩擦的。n.減摩劑,潤滑劑。 antifri...


In the preparation of new antifriction layer , all component of antifriction layer are made into liquid antifriction adhesive that is sprayed evenly and quantitatively on the surface of decorative layer . by a series of processes , we can gain a new high antifriction layer with decorative function and high antifriction capability 將耐磨層的所有組份按一定比例制成液體形態的耐磨膠,再將耐磨膠均勻、定量地噴涂于裝飾紙表面,經一系列工藝得到集裝飾效果與高耐磨性能于一體、成本很低的新型高耐磨復合強化地板。

To reduce the friction coefficient of bismaleimide resin matrix wearable composite and get better antifriction and wearable composite , the idea of modified bmi blending with ultra high molecular weight polyethylene ( uhmwpe ) resin powders is put forward in this paper . this wearable composite was prepared by using the moulding pressing technology 本文提出將改性雙馬樹脂與耐磨性極好、摩擦系數極低的超高分子量聚乙烯進行共混,采用一定的模壓成型工藝制備耐磨復合材料,確定了材料的模壓成型工藝參數。

Abstract : in this paper the experimental research of hydra ulic oil used on a certain composite gearbox are carried on the experimental fo rm ulas are drawn respectively between viscosity 、 density 、 specific heat and temper ature the function of viscosity to temperature and pressure is deduced the com parative analysis among the new oil 、 used oil and ordinary antifriction oil ind icates the performance of the specitic oil is excellent these conclusions are b eneficial to the advanced analysis of the vehicle transmission system and formul ate the manual of relevant armored caterpillar 文摘:該文對某軍用履帶裝甲車輛綜合傳動系統使用的液壓油進行了試驗分析,得出了這種液壓油的粘度、密度、比熱與溫度的經驗關系式,推導出了粘度在溫度、壓力綜合作用下的函數關系,并對新油、舊油、普通抗磨液壓油的粘度進行了對比分析,這對于使用這種液壓油的傳動系的分析計算和制定相關軍用履帶裝甲車輛的使用規范提供了重要的理論依據

In this paper the experimental research of hydra ulic oil used on a certain composite gearbox are carried on the experimental fo rm ulas are drawn respectively between viscosity 、 density 、 specific heat and temper ature the function of viscosity to temperature and pressure is deduced the com parative analysis among the new oil 、 used oil and ordinary antifriction oil ind icates the performance of the specitic oil is excellent these conclusions are b eneficial to the advanced analysis of the vehicle transmission system and formul ate the manual of relevant armored caterpillar 該文對某軍用履帶裝甲車輛綜合傳動系統使用的液壓油進行了試驗分析,得出了這種液壓油的粘度、密度、比熱與溫度的經驗關系式,推導出了粘度在溫度、壓力綜合作用下的函數關系,并對新油、舊油、普通抗磨液壓油的粘度進行了對比分析,這對于使用這種液壓油的傳動系的分析計算和制定相關軍用履帶裝甲車輛的使用規范提供了重要的理論依據

Being been produced upon advanced design and technology at home and abroad and fitted with advanced manual and electric actuators and accordance with the standard of 《 cj / t3006 - 1992 cast iron gate valve for water - supply and sewerage 》 , our valves are strong in sealing capability , good in antifriction , easy to mount , flexible for opening and closing and long in service life 本公司的閘門系列產品符合cj / t3006 - 1992 《供水排水用鑄鐵閘門》標準,該產品綜合國內外先進的結構和工藝,并采用國內先進的手、電動控制裝置,使得閘門具有密封性強、耐磨性好、安裝方便、啟閉靈活、壽命長等特點。

The industrial application of rsst and the preparation of new high antifriction layer are simple . adding two ordinary procedures in traditional product - line , the quality of products can be greatly improved and the costing of production decreased . thus , this technique is hopeful to be applied widely in the future 企口表面全封閉法的工業應用及新型高耐磨層的制備,只需在原有生產線上增設兩道簡易工序即可,且能顯著提高產品質量并大幅度降低生產成本,因而本技術具有廣闊的工業應用前景。

The wear - resistance of the rps tin coating is significantly higher than that of the quenched m2 high - speed steel . the wear resistance of the quenched m2 high - speed steel was improved about 2 . 5 times by the rps tin coating under high load . the antifriction performance of the tin coating is also very excellent due to the self - lubricating effect of tin , the friction efficient of which is about 5 . 3 % that of the quenched m2 steel 在無潤滑條件下,反應等離子噴涂tin涂層的耐磨性明顯高于淬火m2鋼,在高載荷下,其耐磨性是m2鋼的2 . 5倍;同時,由于tin的自潤滑效應,涂層的減摩性遠遠優于m2鋼,高載荷下摩擦系數僅是m2鋼的5 . 3 。

Wearproof porcelain plate developed by this factory can be used as inside lining plate , coal delivery pipework , bin , bunker , separation port , wind pipe bend , exhauster , inner pipe of mill fan , air preheater , air fule and various dedust equipment for antifriction . besides , it can extend the service life of equipment 耐磨瓷板系是我廠自行研制的適用于磨煤機內襯板,輸煤管道、料倉、料斗、粗、細粉分離口、一、二次風管彎頭、引風機、排粉機內殼、空氣預熱器、尾部煙道等以及各類除塵系統設備的防磨抗蝕、延長設備的使用壽命。

However , the waterproof function and anti - fungus capability of ccf is relatively so poor that the quantity of first - grade and excellent - quality products is very few . in addition , the external antifriction layer of ccf is expensive and faulty , and 80 % of manufactories in china depend on the import antifriction paper . aimed at the situation , this paper put forward a simple and effective way - rabbet surface sealing technique ( rsst ) to improve the waterproof function and anti - fungus capability of ccf 本文針對其防水抗霉性能較差、一等品及優等品極少;以及其表層耐磨紙價格昂貴、缺陷較多,尤其我國生產廠家80依賴進口耐磨紙的現狀,提出一種簡便而行之有效的方法? ?企口表面全封閉法來改善復合強化地板的防水抗霉性能,并采用國產材料研制出一種集裝飾功能與高耐磨性能于一體、生產成本很低的新型高耐磨層,以替代進口耐磨紙。

The article developed the self - compensation repairing lubrication additives which endowed with new function to old lubrication oils according to the theory of self - compensation repairing theory by aided financially from china nature science fund ( ratification number : 59975039 ) . the first , the article studied the tribological effect of several kinds of lubrication additives by single - phase , two - phase and three - phase mixture by four - ball machine . the article studied the effect of the mixture ratio and the additive concentration on tribological effect - antifriction , wear - resisting and bearing capacity 論文首先以四球法,對新合成的幾種潤滑添加劑的單相和雙相、三相復配后的摩擦學特性進行了較系統地研究,研究了復配比例和添加量等對其摩擦學性能?減摩、耐磨、承載性能的影響,在此基礎上優選了es12和esm122兩種潤滑添加劑,對其進行了較系統的磨損自補償修復效應及其摩擦學效應研究和對四種成品潤滑油的適應性研究,并對摩擦表面的自補償膜進行了紅外光譜分析。

Characteristic and suitablescope the surface basic is 10 steeil and spcc , then sinter 20high - tin , the manufacture has good antifriction , no fever heat , against grip axes , suitable for engines camshaft and pneumatic engine , refrigerating machine bushes . at present , our factory is the greatest export factory for eccentric bushes in the domestic area , and match bushes to isuzus idler gear for japanese isuzu co 表面以10鋼或spcc低碳鋼為基礎,表面燒結錫合金材料扎制而成,產品具有耐磨性能好,不發熱,不咬軸等優點,特別適用于發動機凸輪軸,氣壓機,制冷機軸套,目前我廠是國內出口偏心軸瓦的最大廠家,并一直為日本五鈴公司配套五十鈴惰輪襯套,和國內各主要柴油機廠配套。

In order to realize smooth movement of mechanical system at a low velocity , the following work investigates new types of linear ultrasonic motors and antifriction technique by superposing the motor ’ s elliptical vibrating motion at the friction interface to change frictional characteristics , produce ultrasonic lubricant effect and realize active control of friction force 本文研究新型超聲波馬達,利用其產生于摩擦界面的橢圓軌跡超聲振動引起的潤滑效應和摩擦接觸行為的改變來減小摩擦力的大小,完成對摩擦力的主動控制,實現機械系統的低速平滑運動。

To solve the performance problems , low hardness and poor wear resistance and antifriction , of the zinc / aluminium based corrosion resistance coating at the special high speed and large friction service conditions , a trial adding diamond particles into the coating was made to enhance the coating properties 摘要為解決鋅鋁基耐蝕涂層在高速、強摩擦等特殊服役條件下硬度低、耐磨減摩性能差等問題,嘗試通過添加金剛石粒子對其進行強化。

Referring to the 3 main merits of an elastic gum wheel : the shock absorption , low noise and antifriction , the article presents a basic principle in the design of an elastic gum wheel by making references to the tested resuits of elastic gum wheels in foreign countries ' grounds 摘要分析了橡膠彈性車輪的減振、降噪和減少輪軌磨耗等3大優點,介紹了國外有關橡膠彈性車輪的現場測試結果,提出了設計橡膠彈性車輪時應遵循的基本原則。

In order to increase output power of conventional standing wave ultrasonic motors to satisfy the antifriction technique , this dissertation presents a new linear transducer - metallic plate type ultrasonic motor based on the conventional standing wave ultrasonic motor ’ s structure 為提高駐波直線超聲波馬達的輸出功率以滿足減摩的要求,本文在其基礎上提出了一種新型的直線超聲波馬達。

That is to say , their heat - resistance and wearability can complement each other by blending of modified bmi and uhmwpe . the wearable composite not only has perfect antifriction and wearable ability , but also has better heat - resistance 可見,通過改性雙馬與uhmwpe的共混,實現了兩者耐熱性和耐磨性的互補,制得的耐磨復合材料不僅減摩耐磨性十分優良,而且耐熱性也較好。

It is face to object , face to user . it has been success fully used for analysing the vibration signals of antifriction bearings , and is possible to be extended to the application of sampling and analysing other mechanical vibration signals 每一功能由獨立的模塊完成,方便用戶對系統的維護、改進和功能的擴展,還可以進一步推廣到其它振動信號的采集和分析。

The key to the technique lies in minuteness and coupling agent modification of antifriction material , so as to improve the interface between resins and inorganic antifriction materials and increase the antifriction capability of ccf 本技術關鍵是對國產耐磨材料進行微細化處理及偶聯劑改性處理,從而改善樹脂與無機耐磨顆粒的界面粘結性能以提高耐磨性。

Through testing the wear and tear properties , analyzing the mechanism of wear , results showed that carbon fibers were in favor of enhancing antifriction and wear - resist properties of the discontinuous cf / cu composite 試驗測試了不同碳纖維含量復合材料的摩擦磨損性能,分析了復合材料的摩擦磨損機理,并探討了碳纖維在復合材料磨擦磨損中的重要作用。