
antifebrile adj.退熱的。n.退熱劑。


Its medicinal clinic functions are : antiphlogistic , antalgic , antifebrile , reducing blood sugar , keeping normal ocular function ; adjusting nerve conduct and fat assimilation . it also takes part in incretion activity , increases systole to improve immunity , which has sanitarian effect to different ages 在醫療制藥方面,本品具有解熱鎮痛保肝降血糖維持正常視覺功能調節神經傳導調節脂類代謝膽磷汁分解利膽護肝,參與內分泌活動,增加心臟收縮能力,提高人體免疫能力的作用。

Conclusion : yinhua mixture areosol is effective in antifebrile , anti - asthma , and expectorative effect 結論:銀花合劑具有退熱、鎮咳、平喘、祛痰作用。

I ' m sure an antifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time 我相信注射一針退熱劑會使你的熱度立刻降下來。