
antidumping adj.反傾銷政策的。

Wto “ antidumping and countervailing codes Wto “反傾銷與反補貼守則”


Antidumping has turned to be an important problem our enterprise must envisage 反傾銷已成為中國企業不得不面對的重要問題。

Discussion on the features and influences of america ' s antidumping of chinese color tv 簡論美國對華彩電反傾銷的特點和影響

On strategy of our country to the antidumping during the transfering period of joining 論入世過渡期我國應對反傾銷策略

This truth is central to understanding the way antidumping works 了解這個事實對理解反傾銷活動的所作所為非常關鍵。

U . s . a . has initiated 6 antidumping duty investigations against china in 2007 美國在2007年已對中國6起反傾銷調查。

Antidumping issue significantly constitutes the international trade 反傾銷問題是國際貿易領域中的一個重要問題。

The accounting equity imbalance in antidumping pleading and its countermeasure 反傾銷應訴中的會計權益失衡及對策

Status quo and causes of overseas antidumping moves towards china , and countermeasures 我國產業結構的現狀及對策

Research on antidumping accounting 反傾銷會計研究

An analysis of accounting problems in america ' s antidumping cases against china 美國對華反傾銷會計問題的辨析

A comparison of antidumping laws between the two sides of the taiwan straits 海峽兩岸結婚制度的比較與整合

New trends in antidumping abroad and the choice of strategies in china 國外反傾銷的新動向及我國的策略選擇

Taking greater antidumping actions to protect china ' s domestic industry 加大對外反傾銷的力度保護本國產業

The historic evolvement and time character of dumping and antidumping 傾銷與反傾銷的歷史演變與時代特征

Trade deficit , stakeholder groupes and the u . s . antidumping against china 相關利益集團與美國對華反傾銷

Comparative analyses of the antidumping processes adopted by china and america 中美反傾銷程序比較研究

On china ' s antidumping competitiveness 論中國反傾銷競爭力

An analysis of australia ' s antidumping policy and its characteristics 澳大利亞反傾銷政策及其特點探析