
antidote n.1.解毒劑 (for; against; to)。2...


Knowledge is the antidote of fear 知識是治療恐懼的藥。

He ' s got the antidote . - stop it 他拿到解藥了-不要!

Economic philosophy : the antidote of traditional philosophy and economics 試論作為經濟現象學的經濟哲學

I ' m the only one with the antidote 我是唯一有解毒劑的人

Tell me now . what ' s the antidote 那就告訴我,解藥是什么

Knowledge is the antidote to fear 知識是治療恐懼的特效藥

What are you doing ? - i need antidote 你干嘛? -我要解藥

- what are you doing ? - i need antidote -你干嘛? -我要解藥

Give him a gastric lavage immediatly and then give him the antidote 立即給他洗胃,然后給他解毒藥。

What ? antidote ? you been in the joint 什么解藥?你蹲過大牢

Nowyou ' ll need the antidote foryourself 現在你也需要解藥了

How do we transport the antidote safeiy 如何安全地運送解藥

Piease , i need antidote . i am sick 求求你,我要解藥,我病了

And lead them to the antidote . - no , i ' m not 解藥-不,我不去

Not after you worked so hard trying to get to the antidote 你千辛萬苦找解藥肯定不想要那樣的結果

A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison 解毒劑一種藥物復合劑,以前用于解毒

- and lead them to the antidote . - no , i ' m not -解藥-不,我不去

I ' ve got the antidote . i ' m on my way 我拿到解毒劑了我正往回走

It was instantly fatal and without antidote 致命的毒藥,無法可解