
anticyclone n.【氣象學】反氣旋;高氣壓。


The anticyclone over china is intensifying . an intense winter monsoon will bring the mass of cold air now piling up over northern guangdong to the south china coastal region tomorrow night ( wednesday , 25 december 2002 ) . winds in hong kong will then strengthen from the north and temperatures will start to fall significantly 位于中國的反氣旋正逐漸增強,現時囤積在廣東北部的冷空氣會隨著一股強烈的冬季季候風在明天(十二月二十五日,星期三)晚上到達華南沿岸,屆時本港北風會增強,氣溫開始顯著下降。

When the tcf in nwp is high , the bengal bay cef which located at 90 e is strong and the new guinea cef located at 150 e is weak ; there is a anti - cyclonic circulation near the equator . the equatorial buffer zone is fortified : it is propitious to the equatorial anticyclones activated and push monsoon trough to higher latitude , this circulation pattern can promote the genesis of tc in nwp 多熱帶氣旋年,位于90 e附近的孟加拉灣越赤道氣流顯著增強,而位于150 e附近的新幾內亞越赤道氣流異常偏弱;在赤道附近存在一個異常的反氣旋性環流,赤道緩沖帶較強,有利于赤道高壓的活躍,季風槽被推向較高緯度,從而有利于熱帶氣旋的生成。

In this paper , the circulation of 20hpa transits to anticyclone type first ( at april the twenty - fourth averagely ) and then the transition transmit downwards , 54 days later it arrive to 70hpa ( at june the seventeenth averagely ) . the interannual variation of transition dates in higher layers of middle stratosphere ( 10hpa 20hpa and 30hpa ) is more remarkable than in lower ones ( 50hpa and 70hpa ) . the transition dates of 50hpa and 70hpa have notable interdecadal variation feature : they are sooner before 1978 and later after 1978 多年平均20hpa環流最先轉為反氣旋型(平均在4月24日) ,然后逐漸下傳,至70hpa (平均在6月17日)歷時54天;而中平流層上部( 10hpa 、 20hpa和30hpa )轉型日期的年際差異較下部( 50hpa 、 70hpa )大; 50 、 70hpa層環流轉型日期具有明顯的年代際變化特征, 1978年以前轉型日期偏早, 1978年以后偏晚。

Results show that there are two main spatial patterns of the wp ssta : one is uniform in the whole area , the other is of the north - south asymmetry . when the spatial pattern is uniform in the whole area , in the warm years , there is a anticyclone circulation existing over the warm pool and westerly in the subtropical region and easterly in the tropical region have been greatly strengthened at 850hpa , while a anticyclone circulation over the india region at 200hpa , the walker circulation has been strengthened , the summer rainfall may be above normal in the upper and middle reaches of the yangtze river , vice versa 當ssta為一致性分布時,暖異常年, 850hpa暖池區上空為一反氣旋偏差環流,副熱帶地區西風和低緯度地區東風得到加強,長江中上游地區盛行偏南風氣流; 200hpa南亞上空為一反氣旋偏差環流,長江中上游地區為北風; walker環流加強,副熱帶高壓偏強,經向垂直環流在25 35 n附近為上升氣流,長江中上游地區降水偏多,是lanina事件的多發年,對應的soi指數偏高,冷異常年則相反。

The east asia summer monsoon anomoly can affect the atmosphere circulation and climate in the east asia and pacific ocean regions through the western pacific subtropical anticyclone and the epa wavetrain . in the strong cross equator flow of 90 e years , there has more precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of yangtze river valley regions while there has less precipitation in the northeast china regions 夏季低空90 e附近越赤道氣流較強時,東亞夏季風較強,西太平洋副熱帶高壓位置偏北, epa (東亞太平洋美洲)波列伸展緯度偏北,造成長江中下游夏季降水偏少,東北地區夏季降水偏多;夏季低空90 e附近越赤道氣流較弱時,情況則相反。

Through analysis of potential vorticity in equity - entropy surface field , a relatively high potential vorticity center in cyclone top in low - troposphere have discovered , and make cyclone develop in a more deep cyclone circulation by this ; and an anticyclone circulation zone with more severe low potential vorticity in high - troposphere 通過對等熵面的位渦分析,發現了對流層中低層的位渦場,在氣旋上方有一個相對高位渦中心,由此使得氣旋在一個比較深厚的氣旋性環流中發展;而對流層高層則是一個伴有較強位渦低值的反氣旋環流區。

When the spatial pattern is of the north - south asymmetry , in the warm north - cold south years , there is a anticyclone circulation existing over the warm pool at 850hpa , easterly at 15 n and westerly in the tropical region have been greatly strengthened , while the center of anticyclone circulation moves to the east asia at 200hpa , and the hadley circulation has been affected evidently , so the summer rainfall may be above normal in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river , vice versa . there are different relations to east asia atmospheric circulation and summer rainfall in china 當ssta為南北半球反對稱分布時,與ssta北暖南冷分布相對應, 850hpa暖池區上空為一反氣旋偏差環流, 15 n附近東風氣流和赤道附近西風氣流增強,長江中下游地區盛行偏南風氣流; 200hpa反氣旋偏差環流中心移到東亞大陸上空;副熱帶高壓強度、西伸脊點都明顯變強、西伸; hadley環流得到發展,長江中下游(華北)地區為上升(下沉)氣流,降水明顯增多(減少) ,北冷南暖年則相反。

( 2 ) another interesting phenomenon is founded that the center of south asia high in the upper level of troposphere is stabile and nearly motionless during the processes of the westward extension of western pacific subtropical high , but its eastern ridge strengthens and extends eastward remarkably because of the anticyclone moves westward over the southeast japan , which may lead to the westward extension of subtropical high in the middle level of troposphere . ( 3 ) in the low level of troposphere , the north australia cold air activity plays an important role on the westward extension of subtropical high ( 2 )本文在研究副高西伸過程中指出,高層200hpa上日本東南部的高壓并入南亞高壓,導致南亞高壓脊的增強發展,對低層500hpa上副高的加強、西伸可能起到引導的作用;同時,對流層低層850hpa上孟加拉灣槽在副高西伸過程中加深,并在西伸脊點到達最西點的前4天強度達到最強,這為預報西太平洋副高的活動提供了參考。

The weather system on july 5th 08bst depicted by the cloud - drift winds could be distinctively seen an anticyclone with divergence in the north and convergence in the south which was much helpful in rationally explaining the real weather process combined with some traditional methods 由它所表示的2003年7月5日07 ? 08時的高空風場上,可以清楚地看到一個北邊輻散,南邊輻合的反氣旋環流,這些細節有效地幫助了常規方法,使其對天氣過程做出合理的診斷分析。

Low - level cyclone circulation with high - level anticyclone circulation , is helpful to form low - level convergence and high - level divergence , and make the rising airflow nearby cyclone keep and strengthen so that have offered necessity condition for convection precipitation 低層的氣旋性環流和高層的反氣旋性環流相配合,有利于形成低層輻合,高層輻散,使得氣旋附近的上升氣流得以維持和加強,從而為對流性降水提供了必要條件。

Under the steering flow of an anticyclone over the east china sea , vongfong accelerated towards the west coast of guangdong on 19 august and intensified into a severe tropical storm with a maximum wind speed of about 90 kmh near its centre that afternoon 八月十九日,黃蜂在東海的反氣旋影響下加速移向廣東西部海岸,并于當日下午增強為一個強烈熱帶風暴,中心風力約為每小時90公里。

( 4 ) there exist close relation between the floods season precipitation in northeast china and the anomalies of subtropical summer monsoon , the anomalies of cold air , sub - tropical anticyclone , polar front jet , north hemisphere general circulation anomalies in winter ( 4 )東北汛期降水與西南夏季風、北方冷空氣、副熱帶高壓、極鋒急流、前期冬季環流異常密切相關。

The remarkable transition of circulation type from winter to summer in middle stratosphere is from cyclonic type to anticyclone type . this is also the notable characteristic which is different from the transition in low stratosphere and troposphere 因此,在由冬到夏或由夏到冬的某個階段,該層環流流型出現由氣旋向反氣旋或由反氣旋向氣旋型環流轉變的過程。

This anomalous non - uniform heating resulted in the powerful anticyclone vorticity locating in the south of yangtze river and western pacific , which lead to the intensive and westerly subtropical high 這種異常的非均勻加熱狀況導致我國江南到副熱帶西太平洋地區呈現帶狀的異常反氣旋性渦度制造,使得6一7月副高偏強偏西。

Under the combined effect of the anticyclone over china and typhoon sinlaku over the east china sea , light northerly winds prevailed in the vicinity of hong kong this morning and the atmosphere was stable 受到中國內陸反氣旋及位于東海的臺風森垃克環流共同影響下,今早香港附近地區吹輕微偏北風,大氣穩定。

From time to time , under the influence of upper air disturbances , cold air from this anticyclone plunges southward through china and brings outbursts of cold air to the south china coastal areas 有時,在高空擾動氣流影響下,冷空氣會南下橫過中國。這些冬季季候風寒潮,最后為華南沿岸帶來一陣陣的冷空氣。

The weather is based on realistic effects , and follows the same logic : depressions and anticyclones . this degree of realism has never been seen before in a persistent world 所有天氣狀況都給予現實世界的效果,并且遵循相同的邏輯規律:氣壓和氣旋。這種擬真度沒有所有現有的其他游戲所不能比擬的。

( 4 ) summer rainfall anomalies in north china relates to the indian summer monsoon , the south sea monsoon , sub - tropical anticyclone , south asian anticyclone and cold air anomaly ( 4 )華北地區夏季降水異常與印度西南季風、南海東南季風、副熱帶高壓、南亞高壓及冷空氣異常都密切相關。

Under the combined effect of the anticyclone over china and typhoon megi over the east china sea , light winds from the west prevails over hong kong today ( 18 august 2004 ) 受到中國內陸反氣旋及位于東海的臺風?魚環流共同影響下,今日( 2004年8月18日)香港附近地區吹輕微偏西風。