
anticoagulant n.抗凝(血)劑。

Method to collect respectively 180 unrelated males “ venous blood 500ul , who lived in shanxi province , 120 unrelated mongolians “ venous blood 500ul , who lived in the inner mongolia autonomous region , and the blood is anticoagulant with edta , then to extract dna by using the method of phenol - chloroform after ingested by proteinase k at 56 and amplify the dys413 site by using pcr 方法采集180例山西漢族和120例內蒙古蒙古族男性無關個體靜脈血各500ul , edta抗凝,用tkml液反復洗滌至無色,加入2蛋白酶k緩沖液180ul ,蛋白酶k ( 20mg ml ) 20ul ,在56消化至液體清亮為止,用酚-氯仿法抽提dna , pcr擴增dys413位點, 6非變性聚丙烯酰胺凝膠電泳, 1硝酸銀染色分型。


In addition , heparin has been shown to potently inhibit hiv - 1 replication and affect cell growth , gene expression , modulate clinically relevant event such as diabetes and atherosclerosis . however , the clinical application of heparin for the treatment of both cancer and various inflammatory is limited by its anticoagulant activity 除了抗凝血活性外,肝素還具有調節免疫功能、抑制炎癥反應、抑制腫瘤細胞的生成和轉移及抗病毒等功能,但是肝素的抗凝血活性及出血性并發癥限制了肝素抗炎癥和抗腫瘤等其他生物學活性的臨床應用。

Method to collect respectively 180 unrelated males “ venous blood 500ul , who lived in shanxi province , 120 unrelated mongolians “ venous blood 500ul , who lived in the inner mongolia autonomous region , and the blood is anticoagulant with edta , then to extract dna by using the method of phenol - chloroform after ingested by proteinase k at 56 and amplify the dys413 site by using pcr 方法采集180例山西漢族和120例內蒙古蒙古族男性無關個體靜脈血各500ul , edta抗凝,用tkml液反復洗滌至無色,加入2蛋白酶k緩沖液180ul ,蛋白酶k ( 20mg ml ) 20ul ,在56消化至液體清亮為止,用酚-氯仿法抽提dna , pcr擴增dys413位點, 6非變性聚丙烯酰胺凝膠電泳, 1硝酸銀染色分型。

Heparin is known to bind and modulate the activity of various proteins , including cell growth factors , cytokines , angiogenic factors , complement components , adhesion molecules , heparin exerts its activities via interaction with some proteins . potent anticoagulant activity of heparin by the interaction with antithrombin iii is extensively used in medicine 肝素能夠與許多蛋白質結合并調節蛋白活性,包括細胞因子、生長因子、趨化因子、抗血管生成因子、粘附分子和補體成分等,肝素通過與蛋白相互作用發揮其生物學活性。

The american society of regional anesthesia ( asra ) consensus statements on neuraxial anesthesia and anticoagulation states that no definitive recommendation can be made for removal of epidural catheters in patients with therapeutic levels of oral anticoagulants Asra關于軸索麻醉和抗凝狀態一致強調,對于接受口服抗凝藥治療患者拔除硬膜外導管沒有作出確定的建議。

Prevention of vascular complications after cerebral ischaemia of arterial origin . the esprit study : mild anticoagulant therapy , combination treatment with acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole , or treatment with acetylsalicylic acid alone 動脈源性腦缺血后血管并發癥的預防。 esprit研究:輕度抗凝血治療、乙酰水楊酸和雙嘧達莫聯合治療,還是單純乙酰水楊酸治療?

With the right dosage , chosen bait , selected baiting locales and a well - designed baiting programme , the use of anticoagulants is considered much safer than acute rodenticides . trapping of rodents is preferred to using chemicals 因為只要劑量正確,挑選適當的餌基,并在選定的投餌點按照設計周全的投餌計劃行事,使用抗凝血劑應遠較毒性強的滅鼠劑安全。

In contrast , physicians should skip the d - dimer test for patients with a high probability clinical assessment , and should instead initiate anticoagulant treatment immediately , before sending them for ct imaging 不同的意見認為,如果醫生根據臨床癥狀判斷病人很可能有肺動脈栓塞,就應該跳過d -二聚體檢測而立即開始抗凝治療,然后再讓病人去做ct造影術。

With the right dosage , chosen bait , selected baiting locales and a well - designed baiting programme , the use of anticoagulants is considered much safer than acute rodenticides . trapping of rodents is preferred to using chemicals 只要劑量正確,挑選適當的餌基,并在選定的投餌點按照設計周全的投餌計劃行事,使用抗凝血劑應遠較毒性強的滅鼠劑安全。

With the incision of tumors and recovery from operation trauma , anticoagulant activity and fibrinolytic activity of the patients gradually returned to normal level . conclusion : coagulation disorders in laryngeal cancer patients had existed in a way 結果:患者術前即存在抗凝活性明顯降低,并伴有纖溶活性增強,手術創傷使上述異常進一步加重。

These results lead to the conclusion that after cutaneous application mps reaches capillary vascular sites where the substance acts as an anti - inflammatory and anticoagulant agent without influencing the systemic coagulation 從這些結論我們可以得知,持續應用多磺酸粘多糖后其能達到毛細血管水平,并具有抗炎和抗凝作用,但不影響系統凝血。

To fibrin therapeutic use extracted from the venom of the anticoagulant effect of a substance , can be reduced fibrinogen and blood viscosity , for the treatment of arteriovenous thrombosis was good results 去纖維蛋白治療應用從蛇毒中提取的一種抗凝作用的物質,可以降低纖維蛋白原和血液粘度,用以治療動靜脈血栓獲得良好效果。

January 9 , 2007 ? a new study suggests that the rate of intracerebral hemorrhage ( ich ) associated with the use of anticoagulants increased five - fold during the 1990s and up to 10 - fold in the elderly 2007年1月9日-一個新的研究顯示抗凝劑相關的腦出血增加到20世紀90年代的5倍,在老年人中增加到10倍。

Early diagnosis , elimination of possible precipitating factors , treatment with anticoagulant and corticosteroids , and plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin if necessary , may survive from the very fatal disease 本文將以一個災難性抗磷脂癥候群的案例為引言,進而介紹抗磷脂癥候群之全貌。

Interpretation : drug combinations involving antiplatelets and anticoagulants are associated with a high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding beyond that associated with each drug used alone 解釋:抗血小板制劑和抗凝藥物的聯用可以增加胃腸出血的風險,高于單用每種藥物的出血風險。

Researchers from canada point out that oral anticoagulants have a narrow therapeutic window and treatment needs to be monitored carefully to maintain inr within an appropriate range 來自加拿大的研究指出,口服抗凝劑的治療窗很窄,治療需要仔細監測,維持inr在適當的范圍內。

Conclusion it was important use of anticoagulant fresh blood to improve the accuracy and concordance of linyi city ' s hemacytolog analysers ' external quality evaluation results 結論抗凝新鮮血對于提高各醫院實驗室血細胞分析儀檢測結果的準確性和一致性具有重要的作用。

Background : anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs ( e . g . , warfarin , clopidogrel and acetylsalicylic acid ) are key therapeutic agents in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases 背景:抗凝和抗血小板藥物(如華法令、氯吡格雷、阿司匹林)是治療心血管疾病的主要藥物。

After study on blood compatibility of silk fibroin membranes , we found that modificated silk fibroin membranes have the good blood compatibility and have anticoagulant effect 該絲素膜對血小板沒有粘附,具有良好的血液相容性,可以進一步作為硬腦膜修補材料。