
anticlockwise adj.,adv.逆時針方向的[地],反時針方向旋轉的[...


The numerical simulation with complete forcing produces the main characteristics of yellow and east china seas circulation in summer . baroclinic effect plays a important role on yellow seas circulation that yellow seas cold water mass induces a anticlockwise circulation . tide also strengthens it 夏季黃海的環流結構體現了較強的斜壓性,主要以密度流為主,黃海冷水團在黃海中部誘導了一個氣旋式環流,潮汐作用亦對這一環流有貢獻。

( 5 ) as torsion is increased , the anticlockwise secondary vortexes and the negative area of the stream function increase ; the axial velocity moves anticlockwise ( annular pipe ) or clockwise ( circular pipe ) ; the friction factor ratio finally reaches the value about 1 ( 5 )增大撓率,逆時針方向旋轉的一二次渦和流函數的負值區域增大,軸向速度最大值的位置按逆時針(環形截面)或順時針(圓截面)方向旋轉,摩擦系數比最終趨向于1 。

In the east of bohai strait , the seawater has an anticlockwise movement in its main part . in the bohai strait , the characteristic of the depth - average general circulation is that the seawater flows into bohai sea through the northern strait and exits through the southern part 在渤海海峽外側,海水沿逆時針方向流動;在渤海海峽處,深度平均的渤海環流都表現為北進南出的特征,但從環流形態上可以看出,流動并不能直接深入渤海。

( 6 ) as dean number is increased , the secondary flow firstly becomes symmetry and then the anticlockwise vortexes are enlarged , the contours of axial velocity and the stream function become symmetry , the secondary flow is intensified and the friction factor ratio increases ( 6 )增大dean數,二次流先趨于對稱而后逆時針方向的二次渦增大,軸向速度和流函數等值線趨向于對稱,摩擦系數比增大。

In the mouth of the bohai bay , there was a clockwise gyre in summertime of 1958 associated with the low - salinity and low - density center , and the gyre is replaced by an anticlockwise gyre associated with the high - salinity and high - density 與渤海溫鹽場和環流場變異相應,渤海和黃海的水交換量也發生了變化,現在的渤海和1958年時相比與黃海的水交換量呈減少趨勢。

The dynamic distributing strategy of surface and the successive generation method with a triangle - based hexagonal pattern in anticlockwise direction also were proposed . each force of six sampling points as a hexagonal is the partial 該測點分布方法以點對圓心產生的合力作為修正值,所有的點在生成過程中也是處于動態平衡狀態的。

In particular , duck vaginas are often equipped with additional passages that have blind endings , and frequently corkscrew in a clockwise direction , in contradistinction to the anticlockwise thread of a drake ' s penis 事實上,母鴨的陰道有很多具有順時針螺紋的憩室,而對比來看公鴨的陰莖則有逆時針的螺紋。

Xt series spiral bevel gear units can rotate in either clockwise or anticlockwise and adopt a structure design of multi - direction and integrated input and output shaft Xt系列螺旋錐輪減速機xt系列螺旋錐輪減速機可以正反運轉,采用多方向整體式軸輸入輸出設計結構。

In the liaodong bay , the seawater moves in clockwise in winter and in anticlockwise in summer . the seawater movement is complexer than the previous research works 對于萊州灣,由于其水深較淺,影響環流的形式和變化的因素較多,因此其海水流動態勢也就較復雜。

3 please screw down safety screw before installation , and screw down the component of pawl and rolling wheel anticlockwise according to opening direction of fingernail axis 3安裝前請退出保險螺絲,按爪軸的開口方向將棘爪與滾輪組合件按反時針方向退出。

2 . connect the terminal posts 1 and 2 to power source and view from the shaft - extension end , the output shaft turns anticlockwise 2 .接線端1 2接入電源,軸伸端視之,輸出軸逆時針旋轉接線端2 3接入電源,輸出軸順時針旋轉。

An anticlockwise gyre near the kuroshio north of japan inland is simulated using a high - resolution topography 在高分辨的地形條件下,日本西海岸外側的黑潮北部存在一逆時針漩渦,這可能與該區域的漏斗型地形誘導有關。

The rest of the shell is then rolled towards the tooth in an anticlockwise direction , in order to remove it 為了脫身其余的蝸殼就會以逆時針方向繞著螃蟹的牙齒旋轉。

From your opinion based on below picture , the exercise direction is anticlockwise or clockwise 在你看來,下面圖像的運動方向是順時針呢還是逆時針呢? ?

Most people will see it is anticlockwise , but some people may see it is clockwise 大部分人的眼里是逆時針方向轉動,但也有人看來是順時針方向轉動的。

Tell me what u c ~ ~ whether the girl is turning clockwise or anticlockwise ? ? 告訴我你看到的下面這個美女是順時針轉的還是逆時針轉的? ! !

It is formed by a system of air rotating anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern . 它是由一種北半球朝逆時針方向旋轉而南半球向順時針方向旋轉的大氣體系形成的。

Positive frequencies are produced by anticlockwise rotation and negative frequencies by clockwise rotation . 正頻率是用逆時針旋轉來產生,而負頻率是用順時針旋轉來產生。

Positive frequencies are produced by anticlockwise rotation and negative frequencies by clockwise rotation . 正頻率是逆時針旋轉產生的,而負頻率是順時針旋轉產生的。