
anticline n.【地質學;地理學】背斜。

By means of kiba formation , k . ibt “ and kibt2 segments analysis on the equivalent time stratigraphic framework , subtle traps will be predicted on stratigraphic traps and lithological traps . the results from the research indicated that : ( 1 ) this paper further indicates the control significance of southern boundary fault displacement component , which downthrown side forms syncline or anticline , and points out that 4 anticlines in south are adjustment zone and are the entering lake position of ancient river 本論文的主要認識和結論如下: ( 1 )進一步認識南緣邊界斷層位移量對下降盤形成次凹或橫向突起的控制意義,認出南緣的4個突起是調節帶之所在,也是古河流入湖處。這種格局導致凹陷強烈分割,并以橫向搬運為主。


According to these results combined with exploration practice , foot favorable exploration zones are selected , these are the integrated anticline traps below the tertiary gypsum halite , gypsum mudstone in kuqa foreland thrust belts , the second and the third row structural bells in southern junggar foreland thrust belt , the unconventional natural gas pools in die yanshan palaeohigh in north and south of western sichuan basin , the gentle fold structural belt in central sichuan basin and the deep depression in sichuan basin , and the cold take and nanbaxian structural belt in northern margin of qaidam basin 依據理論分析及勘探實踐,優選出4個有利的勘探區帶,它們是:庫車前陸沖斷帶古近系、新近系膏鹽巖、膏泥巖之下的完整背斜圈閉;準南前陸沖斷帶第二、第三排構造帶;川西北部及南部燕山運動期古隆起、川中平緩褶皺構造帶以及深坳陷內部的非常規天然氣;柴北緣冷湖南八仙構造帶。

The author suggests that the three lithosphere - scale faults , lancangjiang fault , jinshanjiang - ailaoshan fault and axis fault in the middle of the basin , are the main geological structures that control the formation of basin , magmatism and metallogenic congregate district . the anticline structure with an axis of triassic strata and the related fault system within the basin , and gonglang arch - shaped folding structure in the south of the basin are the geological structure controlling the formation of ore fields . junctions of two or more faults with different orientation , interlayer cataclastic structural zone and oxidation - reduction ( redox ) boundary were the favorable position for the formation of ore bodies 認為瀾滄江斷裂、金沙江-哀牢山斷裂及盆地中軸斷裂這三條巖石圈斷裂是主要的控盆-控巖(巖漿巖)構造及礦集區尺度的控礦構造;盆地中以三疊系為軸的背斜構造及相關的斷裂系統、盆地西南緣公郎弧形構造等是礦田尺度的控礦構造;多組斷裂的交叉、層間破碎帶及地層柱中的氧化還原界面是形成礦體的有利部位。

By physiognomy feature , it could be divided into three types of thermal structure : positive dome model , negative collapse model and border dome core collapse model . based on the depth degree or magma - thermal influenced , it could be divided into five types of thermal structure : ( ancient ) geothermal anomaly focus region model , superficial volcano eruption hydro - thermalism and hypabyssal intrusive model , thermal anticline ( thermal dome ) model , mid - deep intrusive model , deep mantle ( crust ) thermal plume model ; and put forward a perfect model of the thermal structure . there are many interaction system could be induced into a systematic thermal interaction , include : ocean - continent system , basin - mountain interaction , superficial and mid - deep crust - mantle interaction , crust - mantle commingle interaction , vertical thermal interaction ( delamination ) etc . 依據地貌形態分為三類:正向穹窿型、負向塌陷型、邊隆核陷型:依據巖漿-熱力作用影響的深淺程度或深度分為五類: (古)地熱異常群集區、表淺層火山噴發-熱液活動與淺成侵入型、熱力背斜(熱穹窿) 、中深層侵入型、深部地幔(地殼)熱柱型;提出了熱力構造作用空間分布的理想模式,將洋陸系統、盆山作用、淺表與中深部殼幔作用、殼幔混合、垂向熱力作用(拆沉)等納入一個整體統一的熱力作用系統中,為盆地動力學研究打開了一個新窗口;研討了熱力構造研究方法。

It is shown that deep abnormal high pressure confined area ( abnormal prressure fluid compartment ) at footwall in southern margin of the basin and uplift sector closely related to faulting should be as a domain or direction for exploration , and structural traps ( like faulting barrier , anticline , etc . ) along with original oil / gas reservoirs at major faulting footwall as the main exploratary targets 盆地南緣斷裂下盤深層的異常高壓封閉區(流體封存箱) 、與斷裂密切相關的隆起段是今后主要勘探方向與領域,斷裂遮擋、背斜等構造型圈閉? ?主斷裂下盤原生油氣藏是主要的勘探對象。

Water invasion bursten out during the railway - tunnel construction is usually the mainly problem in constructing or operating , also which brings surface water to exhaustion and pollutes environment or effects ecology , etc . the geleshan tunnel which crosses through guan - yin gorge anticline which trend is near south north , is located between tuanjie village and jingkou village of the shapingba zone , chongqing city , which is belongs to the inducting segment of yu - huai railway . the guan - yin gorge anticline appears to ridge and slot interlacing in land form , and is composed of clastic rock and carbonate rock from jurassic xintiangou group to triassic 歌樂山隧道位于渝懷線引入段重慶市沙坪壩區團結村至井口村之間,隧道穿越近南北向的觀音峽背斜,地貌上表現為脊、槽相間,觀音峽背斜由侏羅系新田溝組至三疊系下統碎屑巖和碳酸鹽巖組成,歌樂山頂大部分出露可溶巖地層,地表巖溶發育,有大量泉水和暗河出口,并修建有多個中小型水庫、大量池塘和水井。

The limited hydrothermal karst and mixed zone beneath the anticline axis controls the porosity distribution of ordovician system and it is anticipated that surroundings of the axis of fold formed by compressional reverse orverthrusting during indo - chinese epoch and the coordinated area of morphology of anticline in the screen of buried hill and that of top surface morphology is the best position for development of the reservoir 局限的熱液巖溶和裸露的背斜軸部之下的混合帶對千米橋潛山奧陶系孔隙分布具有重要控制作用,預期在印支期擠壓逆沖作用形成的背斜軸部,特別是潛山內幕背斜形態與潛山頂面形態相互協調的區域,應是儲層發育最好的部位。

On the basis of comprehensive analyses on hydrocarbon accumulation conditions in the four representative foreland basins , kuqa basin , southern junggar basin , western sichuan basin and northern margin of qaidam basin , some conclusions are made as follows ; the foreland basins in central and western regions of china are characterized by multi - set source rocks dominated by coal measure ; heterogeneous reservoirs ; multiple and sealing cap nick ; anticline traps ; unblocked transport system composed of fault , unconformity and highly permeable sand body ; anti poor conservative conditions . etc 在綜合分析和對比庫車、準南、柴北緣和川西等具有代表性的前陸盆地的油氣成藏條件的基礎上指出,中西部前陸盆地具有以煤系為主的多套源巖,發育非均質儲集層,多套多封閉性的蓋層,以背料為主要圈閉;斷裂、不整合和高滲透砂體組成良好輸導體系,保存條件較差等特點。

The basin - formed mechanism , evolution model and petroliferous geological features of compresso - shear basins in the world are analyzed , by which six aspects of the features are summarized as follows : 1 ) in the compresso - shear process , the sedimentary speed of basin is high , forming thicker coarse - grained clastic rocks which normally shape good petroleum reservoir ; 2 ) the source rocks of basin tend to coming from the organic matter - enriched rocks formed in pre - compresso - shear stages , except that in intense compresso - shear process , deep water - semi deep water source rocks are possibly developed in pre - compresso - shear stages , e4xcept that in intense compresso - shear process , deep water - semi deep water source rocks are possibly developed in frontal of deep depression ( fore deep ) of thrust belt ; 3 ) the en echelon folds ( including anticline and fault - nose structure ) are generally as good oil traps ; 4 ) the compresso - shear process is helpful to hydrocarbon accumulation ; 5 ) it may promote the maturity and hydrocarbon - generating process of organic matte , and 6 ) the thrust belts in the surrounding areas of compresso - shear basin are favorable are favorable domains for petroleum concentration 摘要通過對世界上壓扭性盆地的成盆機制、演化模式和油氣地質特點分析,總結壓扭性盆地具有6個方面的石油地質特征:壓扭作用期間盆地的沉積速率較高,一般形成較厚的粗碎屑沉積,它們常構成很好的油氣儲集層:盆地的烴源巖往住來自于前壓扭期砂成的富含有機質的巖石,但在強烈的壓扭作用期間,在沖斷帶的前緣深坳陷(前淵)中有可能發育深水半深水相的烴源巖;壓扭(張扭)作用期間形成的雁行式褶皺(包括背斜和斷鼻等)往住是很好的油氣圈閉;壓扭作用易于成藏;壓扭作用可以促進有機質的成熟生烴作用;壓扭性盆地的周邊沖斷帶是油氣賦存的有利部位。

By means of kiba formation , k . ibt “ and kibt2 segments analysis on the equivalent time stratigraphic framework , subtle traps will be predicted on stratigraphic traps and lithological traps . the results from the research indicated that : ( 1 ) this paper further indicates the control significance of southern boundary fault displacement component , which downthrown side forms syncline or anticline , and points out that 4 anticlines in south are adjustment zone and are the entering lake position of ancient river 本論文的主要認識和結論如下: ( 1 )進一步認識南緣邊界斷層位移量對下降盤形成次凹或橫向突起的控制意義,認出南緣的4個突起是調節帶之所在,也是古河流入湖處。這種格局導致凹陷強烈分割,并以橫向搬運為主。

There are 3 types of reservoir for the continuing subsidence type basin , there are diapir reservoir , fault reservior , drape reservoir , and the source rock is apart from the reservoir , they are contact by fault ; and there are anticline reservoir , fault reservoir , incline reserve ir , mudstone reservoir under the denudation area , and the source rock is contact with the reservoir 以沉降為主要趨勢的盆地的油氣藏有底辟構造油氣藏、斷層油氣藏、披覆構造油氣藏,其烴源巖與油藏在空間上是分離的,并通過斷層相連;剝蝕區以下的油氣藏有背斜油氣藏或斷層油氣藏、向斜油氣藏及泥質巖油氣藏,其烴源巖和油氣藏可有密切的接觸關系。

Thermal deposits mainly formed during middle - late yanshanian age , related to extension structure , with main mineralization in qingfeng competent deformation zone , western shennongjia fault arch , northern huangling fault arch , xianfeng anticline of enshi platforman fold bundle 熱液型鉛鋅礦床主要形成燕山中晚期,與滑脫拆離構造密切相關,礦化主要集中于青峰強變形帶、神農架斷穹西部、黃陵斷穹北部、恩施褶皺束咸豐背斜、長陽褶皺束走馬坪背斜中。

Yanqi basin is an intermont basin of tian shan , there is a nww trending right lateral strike slip active fault in southwestern basin , its maximum slip distance is 210m , and slip rate is about 10mm / yr , moreover , there is a west - east trending active anticline along northern basin 焉耆盆地是一個天山山間盆地,盆地西南緣發育一條走向北西西的右行走滑活動斷層,最大走滑距離為210m ,走滑速率約10mm / yr ,盆地西北緣發育走向近東西的活動褶皺。

Through the study we know the valley of syncline and the peak of anticline are all good storing places of ore - forming element . to form large industrial ore deposit , the condition of magma channels and the metallogenic fluid must be up to the mustard synchronously 研究結果表明,礦體的形成過程中,向斜構造的凹部和背斜構造的軸部虛托部位都是成礦的有利位置,但僅此還不夠,還應該有較好的通道條件和豐富的含礦流體來源。

5 . the most common types of oil - gas traps in mahu depression are lithological traps together with the complex traps derived from them that controlled by lithology , anticline , fault and over pressure of strata , etc . favorable prospecting targets of mahu depression are pointed out 5 、瑪湖凹陷油氣圈閉類型主要是以巖性圈閉為主的隱蔽圈閉,以及受巖性、背斜、斷層、地層壓力條件等控制的復合圈閉。

Syndeposition developed in jiyang sag can be classified , mainly based on gravity and the form of sinking , into syndeposit - anticline and syndeposit - nosing structure during the formation and development period 濟陽坳陷發育的同沉積背斜構造可分為同沉積背斜和同沉積鼻狀構造,它們在形成和發展中,重力起主導作用,滑塌是主要形式。

Based on arcgis , discovery and gocad software platform , we built a 3d geological model of the yanjinggou anticline using 3d seismic data in the area 文中基于arcgis 、 discovery以及gocad等三維軟件平臺,對川西鹽井溝地區地震資料進行精細的解析,得出鹽井溝背料是一個典型的三剪斷層傳播褶皺,并建立了它的三維模型。

Under the effect of regional tectonics , there develop many raws drape anticline and active fault in the front of mountain , and they have especial motion fashion 由于受區域構造長期作用的影響,在北天山山前地區逐步發育形成了多排褶皺背斜及活動斷裂,且運動方式具有獨特性。

Karst water gushing and mud soil projecting hazards and their harnessing schemes ' selection in the east flank of tongmaling anticline in yuanliangshan tunnel of yuhuai railway 渝懷鐵路圓梁山隧道桐麻嶺背斜東翼巖溶涌水突泥災害與整治方案比選