
anticlinal adj.【地質學;地理學】逆斜的,背斜的〔cf. syn...


The anticlinal walls are rather straight , or sinuolate , sinuous and sinuate . the inner margin of the outer stomatal rim under sem is nearly smooth , or sinuolate and sinuous . the cuticular membrane of epidermis under sem is often striate , or simultaneously striate , granular and scaly , occasionally only granular and scaly , or even totally smooth 葉表皮氣孔器外拱蓋內緣近平滑、淺波狀或波狀;角質膜多為具條紋,也有同時具條紋和顆粒或鱗片,偶爾僅具顆粒和鱗片或光滑。

Based on detailed study on structural characteristics and reservoir distribution of taiyangdao - kuihuadao fractured anticlinal structural belt , through analysis on gas type and genesis , this paper summarizes the geological rules of reservoir formation of this area so as to provide theoretical evidence for further exploration 摘要在對太陽島葵花島斷裂背斜構造帶構造特征和儲層分布進行精細研究的基礎上,通過對該區天然氣類型和成因研究分析總結了該區成藏地質規律,為該區的進一步勘探提供了理論依據。

In the 25 species examined , the epidermal cells fall into four types in terms of their shape and the pattern of the anticlinal wal ls . these types correlate to some extent with features of gross morphology , palynology and plant geography of the ten genera studied . features of cuticular membrane can be used to differentiate clearly the two genera physochlaina and hyoscyamus , and some species within them 顛茄葉表皮細胞形狀和垂周壁式樣在一些屬和種中有一定的規律性,并與外部形態、孢粉學性狀或地理分布相關;葉片表面角質膜的特征對屬和種的劃分也有一定意義。

( 3 ) firstly detectes the waviness of the anticlinal walls ( sfc ) and the ratio of the feret ' s diameter ( slc ) of the epidermal cells in the leaves of 11 species , and studies the methodology , then give out two conclusion : a . epidermal cells in the place between middle and first side vein of the lamina on the third kont starting from ground have the most stable microscopic characters ( 3 )首次采用計算機圖像分析“ hpias ? 1000高清晰度彩色病理圖文分析系統”測定了獐牙菜屬11種藥用植物葉上表皮細胞垂周壁彎曲程度( sfc )和細胞縱橫直徑比( slf ) ,并進行了方法學研究,得到以下結論:莖上第3節葉片中段主脈與第一側脈之間上表皮細胞形態最穩定。

Both upper and lower epidermis cells are polygonal or irregular in shape in all species studied . the patterns of anticlinal walls are straight , arched or sinuous , and the raphal cuticular striastriae are occasionally observed on periclinal walls . stomatal apparatus and secretory cells are found on the upper epidermis of several species and on the lower epidermis of all species 結果表明:這些植物葉片的上、下表皮細胞呈多邊形或不規則形,垂周壁式樣為平直、弓形或波浪狀,平周壁偶有脊狀條紋;少數種類上表皮還有氣孔器或分泌細胞,所有種類下表皮具氣孔器和分泌細胞;氣孔器類型以平列型和側列型居多,偶爾有無規則型;氣孔極區呈稍角質加厚或棒狀加厚,稀t形加厚。

At the surface of the pollen grains there are three types of aperturates , including three porates type , three colpates type and three porate - colpates type ; and four types of sculpture , namely , reticulate , striate , striate - reticulate and verrucate . the upper epidermal cells of the leaves of 12 species plants are detected with hpias - 1000 image analytic system through the treatment of binarization , and the experimental methods are proved stable . the results indicated that the waviness of the anticlinal walls ( sfc ) and the ratio of the feret ' s diameter ( slf ) of the epidermal cells of the middle lamina in the third node of leaves starting from the lowerest part of the stem have a relative constant range and could distinguish from each other . oieanolic acid , l , 5 , 8 - trihydroxy - 3 - methoxyxanthone and swertiamarin are separately detected on the tlc , and the different chromatogram of various plants can be considered as characters of identification . the contents of oleanolic acid in 12 species of plants are determinated by hplc , but among the different plants and botanical organs their contents are different , and the highest content in flowers 本文對川鄂產獐牙菜屬藥用植物資源進行了野外調查、標本采集和鑒定,對12種干燥藥材的性狀進行了描述,提供了可以鑒別的特征。通過掃描電子顯微鏡觀察的12種本屬藥用植物的花粉粒均為單粒花粉,萌發孔有3孔型, 3溝型和3孔溝型三種類型;表面紋飾包括網狀紋,條狀?網狀紋,條狀紋和瘤狀紋四種類型。用hpias ? 1000高清晰度彩色病理圖文分析系統對葉片上表皮細胞作圖像分析,并進行方法學研究,結果表明,同種植物莖上第3節葉片中段主脈和第1側脈之間葉上表皮細胞垂周壁彎曲程度sfc值和細胞縱、橫向直徑的比值slf值,種間有顯著差異,每種都有相對恒定范圍值。

The particular characters of leaf epidermis of s . buxifolium which were different from the other species in syzygium such as s . grijsii were that the shape of epidermal cells was generally polygonal with the nearly straight pattern of anticlinal walls , the wax ornamentation of the cuticular membrane of the leaf epidermis and the surface of the guard cell was all cavemulous , obviously scaly “葉表皮細胞形狀大多為多邊形,垂周壁式樣近平直或弓狀,保衛細胞表面紋飾呈細小致密的小穴狀和明顯鱗片狀,角質膜紋飾呈鱗片狀”是其較獨特的特征。

The envelop capacity of seal influence the formationand and scale of reservoir . the main kind of trap is structure trap as anticlinal or fault anticlinal with high closure height and big area . so the trap is put into effect and its formation match the period of hydrocarbon runoff 孔雀河斜坡圈閉類型以背斜和斷背斜等構造圈閉為主,閉合面積幅度大,落實程度較高,而且圈閉形成期與排烴期相匹配,在現階段圈閉條件不是影響成藏的主要因素。

Most of these species had simple hairs . the stomatal apparatus is paracytic type with one or two subsidiary on both or either side of the guard cells . three types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are recognized : straight , sinuolate or sinuate 表皮細胞垂周壁式樣、氣孔分布密度及式樣、下表皮毛被的有無、多少及毛的長度、下表皮角質突起飾物的形態等具有一定的分類學意義。

The studies show common features among them such as the stomata which is found in the lower epidermis , the wavy anticlinal walls of the epidermmal cells and the cyclocytic stomatal type 結果表明,其間存在明顯共性:表皮構造均為單面氣孔式,上下表皮細胞垂周壁皆呈不同程度的波狀起伏,氣孔器類型皆為環列型。

The evolutional trends of the types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and epidermal hairs were discussed . 3 . pollen morphology pollen morphology of species from machilus in zhejiang was observed using sem 表皮細胞垂周壁的演化途徑:平直一淺波狀一深波狀:毛被的演化趨勢是:無毛一單毛。

The results show that the characters such as shape and pattern of anticlinal walls of epiderm , stomatal density , stomatal distribution and epidermal hairs possess the classific value of species 下表皮的結構遠較上表皮摘要復雜,表皮細胞形態各異,有為數較多的氣孔器,氣孔密度、分布式樣各不相同。

Western hubei and eastern chongqing region lays southeast border of sichuan basin with its area about 9500 km2 . qiyue mountain anticlinal structure is on the east of it and changjiang river on the west of it 鄂西渝東區位于四川盆地東南緣,齊岳山背斜帶以西,長江以東,面積約9500km ~ 2 。

The longkou anticlinal strip is the best one of five structure belt in the slope and the fifth trap of the longkou strip is a favourable target for future explore 在孔雀河斜坡的五個構造帶中龍口背斜構造帶最為有利,其中龍口5號斷背斜構造是下一步勘探的有利目標。

An anticlinal division results in the formation of anticlinal walls between daughter cells , allowing a tissue to increase its circumference 細胞的垂周分裂導致子細胞間垂周壁的形成,組織因此增加其周長。

In cylindrical organs , such as stems and roots , the term radial is often used instead of anticlinal 在圓柱狀的器官如莖、根中,通常用“放射狀的”這個詞來代替“垂周的” 。

Radial 1 . aligned along the radius of a circle or cross - section . 2 . see anticlinal 徑向: 1 .沿著一個圓周的半徑或橫切面放射狀排列。

Brachy - anticlinal fold 短背斜褶皺

Anticlinal hinge region 背斜脊線區