
anticlimax n.1.【修辭學】突降法 (opp. climax)。2...

This anticlimax leads to most sport - climbing accidents : the route is “ over , “ so the leader and belayer stop concentrating ; one of them make a mistake , and the guy on the rock ends up splattered on the ground 此時攀登者和確保者都很容易將注意力分散并不再保持聯系,這也正是運動攀登最常發生意外的步驟。


To me , this means that christmas starts with a bang and then lingers briefly but pleasantly , rather than being a long slog to an inevitable anticlimax , whereupon the tree is thrown out on boxing day 我本人多少有些守舊:我認為裝飾應該在圣誕節前幾天進行(有人說應該在基督降臨節的最后一個周日,還有人說應該在圣誕前夜) ,然后保留12整天。

This anticlimax leads to most sport - climbing accidents : the route is “ over , “ so the leader and belayer stop concentrating ; one of them make a mistake , and the guy on the rock ends up splattered on the ground 此時攀登者和確保者都很容易將注意力分散并不再保持聯系,這也正是運動攀登最常發生意外的步驟。

A test analysis of open canal bottom coefficient of roughness anticlimax on turbulent velocity of flow and intensity of turbulence influence 明渠渠底糙率突減對紊流流速及紊動強度影響的試驗分析

Why bother trying to be all lawful all the time , if my whole life was leading to one big anticlimax 假如我這一生將走到一個非常令人掃興的結局,我又何必時刻堅守守序陣營呢?

The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it 盡管計劃度假時興致勃勃,而到頭來假日本身卻頗為掃興

Anti - climax anticlimax 漸降法,虎頭蛇尾