
anticipatory adj.1.預期的,期望著的。2.提前發生的。3.因預想...


In view of this , one party of the contract should undertake the anticipatory contract obligations by abiding by the principle of honest and credibi 1 i ty 鑒于此,才使締約的當事人負有基于誠實信用原則而產生的先契約義務,而違反這一義務并使相對方信賴利益受損時,即應承擔締約過失責任。

Due to the fact that no actual breach of contract exists in anticipatory breach of contract , the scope of compensation should not exceed the interest in expectancy 在預期違約責任中,由于合同有效且當事人并沒有實際違約,所以其賠償范圍應當是有限制的期待利益,不宜超出期待利益的范圍。

For solving the problem of explicit breach of contract , the system of anticipatory refusal of performance should be established according to conventions of continental law system 這篇文章是合同法通過以后較全面、系統、深入地對我國雙務合同履行抗辯權制度進行檢討和反省的論文之一。

Some scholars argue that it is a defy towards the conventional theory to establish right to defense of advance or follow - up performance and the system of anticipatory breach of contract 有學者認為,除此之外,還同時設立了后履行抗辯權和預期違約制度,這是對傳統理論的挑戰。

As a signatory state to the convention , china has in the sphere of foreign trade accepted the provisions on anticipatory breach since before her contract law was declared 三、默示預期違約的法律救濟1受害方不承認默示預期違約,其有權于履行期屆至后尋求實際違約的救濟。

However , the law ' s contents about anticipatory breach of contract is not rich enough : law provisions appearrelaxing and out of order and law terms do not mean the same 一、不安抗辯權與明示預期違約的比較兩者的適用條件、行使依據、權屬性質均不同,兩者的差異比較明顯。

The first , the second and the third part is on what is anticipatory breach of contract , the reasons why these acts happen and the resource of this remedy system 我國合同法針對預期毀約行為也作了規定。一般認為,其中第94條第二項、第108條是關于預期毀約的規定。

The author launches the discussion on the conformity of the doctrine of anticipatory breach of contract and the precarious right to defense from three aspects 本文綜合運用歷史分析方法、比較法方法以及語義分析方法對預期違約規則與不安抗辯權的立法整合進行分析。

Leading zeros anticipatory logic is implemented based on a set of unified product rule , which can diminish the potential one bit error of original ones 本文中的前導零預測邏輯是基于一套統一的“產生式規則” ,可以消除原有前導零預測邏輯潛在的一位預測錯誤。

The main content includes exponent comparator , leading zeros detector and leading zeros anticipatory logic , while leading zeros anticipatory logic is the core 主要內容包括:指數比較器設計、前導零檢測器和前導零預測邏輯,而前導零預測邏輯是本文的核心。

The violation against contract expectant right can be divided into anticipatory repudiation and prospective inability to perform , both of which constitute anticipatory breach 侵害合同期待權的形態可分為預期拒絕履行和預期履行不能兩種,統稱為預期違約。

Modern control theory ( adaptive control , anticipatory control , state space variable analyze ) was used according to some special objects 針對較特殊對象采用現代的控制理論(預測控制、自適應控制、狀態空間變量分析)進行討論、優化。

So everybody is looking closely at the unending stream of economic data , and taking anticipatory and consequential market positions accordingly 因此,大家都在密切注視各項最新公布的數據,然后再決定市場策略。

Anticipatory breach system is a legal system which is designe for the protection of the expectant right of the contract 預期違約制度是為保護合同期待權而構建的法律制度。該制度產生于英國判例法。

An anticipatory iterative learning controller was designed and simulated using the model developed 控制器由前饋和反饋控制兩部分組成,引入濾波器用于增強學習控制器的魯棒性。

Anticipatory breach is closely related to concerned concepts - unassured pleadings or practical breach of the contract 預期違約同不安抗辯權和實際違約有著密切的聯系。

Anticipatory learning control of position system of molding process for high speed servo injection molding machine 高速伺服注塑機成型過程預測迭代學習控制

It erriphases the influence of the herd behavior and anticipatory emotion towards investment decision - making 這種邏輯是一種現實的邏輯、發現的邏輯。

To seek anticipatory funding from the government and actively explore other funding sources ; and 向政府爭取可預期的財政安排,并積極尋求其他財政資源