
anticipator n.1.先見者,預想者;期望者。2.搶先者,占先者,先發...


The university is a global - information place to the great extent , in which university students are the closest group to the network , they are not only the anticipators and propellers , but also the creators of the network , with the widely use of network in the university education , the culture of network is popular quickly in the campus . how to eliminate the passive effects of u . s and other western nations , occupy the network field adequately , strengthen and improve morality work is a important subject that we will face with in the new century . so the morality workers must face to the future , research the law of the network on the theory deeply , and probe morality work ' s new methods , new patterns , and new ways , at the same time , we also must show our spirits in order to create new situation 隨著網絡技術在高等教育中廣泛應用,網絡文化在大學校園中迅速普及。如何最大限度地消除美國等西方敵對勢力利用互聯網等的負面滲透,充分占領網絡陣地,正面創新高校德育工作是我們在新世紀面臨的重要課題。對此,高校德育工作者必須站在時代的高度,在理論上深化對網絡德育工作規律的研究;在實踐上勇于探索網絡時代德育工作的新方法、新模式、新途徑,以創新的精神開創網絡時代高校德育工作的新局面。