
anticipation n.1.預期,預測,預料;期待。2.預先挪用,預支。3....

“ i can definitely feel the anticipation , “ he said 休斯說:我能感受到他們的期望。


Reflection and anticipation of china personal financial planning 中國個人理財業發展的回顧與前瞻

We waited in great anticipation for the ship to blast off 我們懷著極大的期望等待著飛船的發射。

On the rule of breaking - contract in anticipation 論預期違約制度

Issues of anticipation of residents ' psychology in economic cycle 經濟周期中的居民心理預期問題

Yay , this is really exciting . i ' m dizzy with anticipation 嘿,真帶勁就知道自己要有點頭暈了

The anticipation and prevention of the finance risk 理財風險的防范

Question 4 : what ' s your anticipation from working on this job 問題4 :你對這份工作有何期望?

Fulfilment seldom corresponds to anticipation 成果難得與預期相符

We are looking forward to their visit with eager anticipation 我們熱切地期待著他們的來訪。

These people came in anticipation of crossing into mexico 這些人來到這里,希望能進入墨西哥

The anticipation , the expectations , the tingling doubts 你們正面臨了預想、期待與陣陣遲疑。

Desire for sensation , or the anticipation of going to venice 或者是因為要到威尼斯去了? ”

Carrying with it anticipation , and heavy skies 帶來了期望和很多風箏

The thought took a deal of the spirit out of his anticipations 想到這,他的勁頭消了不少。

An analysis of anticipation problems for china ' s capital market 中國資本市場預期問題分析

Anticipation : increases tiger effect regeneration rate :增加老虎效應量的回復速度。

I have take my coat and umbrella in anticipation of rain 我估計有雨,所以帶著外套和傘。

We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival 我們在車站等著,期待她的到來。