
anticipate vt.1.預期,預料,預測;指望,期待。2.預行討論[考...


Way to bring it ! - way to anticipate that rush , man 接得漂亮-不,你傳得很到位

The first question is one which jason has anticipated 第一個問題是杰森料到的。

My presence in this timeline has been anticipated 它們預料到我會在這個時間出現

- way to bring it ! - way to anticipate that rush , man -接得漂亮-不,你傳得很到位

With this in mind, we briefly survey the existing scene without trying to anticipate the wonders which will surely come after this type is set . 明確了這一點之后,我們來簡短地概述一下現在的狀況,但是不打算猜測這本書排好版之后肯定會到來的奇跡。

The effect of sulfur oxides could be anticipated from the earlier experience in the acute smog episodes described above and from the studies in great britain and japan . 硫氧化物的效應可根據上述早期的急性煙霧事件以及英國和日本的研究進行預測。

We've got to have somebody heading up our enterprises who is clever enough to anticipate the future and bold enough to fight what's wrong . 我們的企業要找個人來領導,這個人既要聰明,能料到未來的形勢,又要有魄力,能抵制不正確的主張。

The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated , for they bought the biscuit from the student for $ 4800 . 餅干公司不得不付出比他們預計的還要多得多的錢,因為他們花了4800美元從那位大學生那里買下了那塊餅干。

The outcrop of the bed is then drawn through the intersecting contour points bearing in mind the closure directions anticipated from the rule of vs . 考慮到V字形法則預計的圈閉方向,通過等高線交點勾出巖層的露頭線。

The detection of anticipated and unanticipated effects is the responsibility of the physician during his supervision of a therapeutic regimen . 醫師的責任是在督察治療方案的過程中去發現預期的和未預料到的效應。

Mrs. wilson might awake in a state which mary dreaded to anticipate, and anticipated while she dreaded in a state of complete delirium . 瑪麗深怕威爾遜太太醒過來會神志不清,滿口囈語;她越想越怕,越怕越想。

Her mild but speaking countenance manifested a strong sympathy in the anticipated agony of the suppositious sufferer . 她那溫和而誠摯的臉上對這位假想受難者預料中的苦難流露出極大的同情。

People have already made arrangements for foreign travel, anticipating the satisfactions of seeing the mosques of istanbul . 人們已決定去國外作一次旅行,渴望看一看伊斯坦布爾的清真寺。

The demand for these reports was not anticipated and as a result insufficient copies were printed to satisfy the request . 沒有料及對這些報告的需求量,因而需印不足之數以滿足需要。

For some reason they had not anticipated so crude and unlettered and yet convinced a figure . 為了某種原因,他們并沒有想到會碰到一個這么粗俗、這么沒有文化,可又是這么堅信的人物。

Its advice and injunctions have influenced american history more than washington himself could have anticipated . 它的忠告與誡言,對美國歷史影響深遠,實非華盛頓自己始料所及。

I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan . 為了避免可能引起的誤解,我得趕緊指出,他決不是一個慣于招搖撞騙的江湖郎中。

The optics of most telescopes are designed to produce images rather better than the anticipated seeing disk . 大部分望遠鏡的光學設計都能得到比預期的視影圓面要好一些的象。

Unfortunately, the world doesn't always wait for you while you try to anticipate your losses . 不幸的是,你在琢磨會有什么損失的時候,這個世界是不會停止轉動來等待你的。