
antichrist n.1.反對基督者。2.〔the A-〕假耶穌。

The equinox reached the first star of the second fish in 1817 , and the rise of secular science in this year fulfills ancient predictions of “ antichrist “ 1871年的晝夜平分到達了第二條魚的第一顆星,從這一年開始,興起了長時期的科學,古代“反基督”的預言實現了。


Well , prince , genoa and lucca are now no more than private estates of the bonaparte family . no , i warn you , that if you do not tell me we are at war , if you again allow yourself to palliate all the infamies and atrocities of this antichrist upon my word , i believe he is , i dont know you in future , you are no longer my friend , no longer my faithful slave , as you say “啊,公爵,熱那亞和盧加現在是波拿巴家族的領地,不過,我得事先對您說,如果您不對我說我們這里處于戰爭狀態,如果您還敢袒護這個基督的敵人我確乎相信,他是一個基督的敵人的種種卑劣行徑和他一手造成的災禍,那么我就不再管您了。

She had no notion of the meaning of this war , although dessalle , who was her constant companion , was passionately interested in the course of the war , and tried to explain his views on the subject to her , and although gods folk all , with terror , told her in their own way of the rumours among the peasantry of the coming of antichrist , and although julie , now princess drubetskoy , who had renewed her correspondence with her , was continually writing her patriotic letters from moscow 盡管非常關心戰況的德薩爾經常和她交談,極力向她說明他自己的想法,盡管前來看她的神親們總是按照他們自己的看法,膽戰心寒地講述了有關基督的敵人入侵的民間傳聞,盡管現在是德魯別茨卡婭公爵夫人朱莉又恢復了與她的信函往來,從莫斯科給她寫來了許多愛國的信件,但是她仍然不理解這次戰爭的意義。

This is typical of mr . von trier : his work - in - progress , antichrist , posits a world created by satan rather than god , and in an interview in may with a danish newspaper he said he had been treated for depression in a hospital early this year and doesn ' t know when he ' ll be ready to work again 這是典型的馮提爾:他正在拍攝中的反基督,假定一個由撒旦而非上帝創造的世界,而五月間接受一家丹麥報紙訪問時,馮提爾表示,他從今年初就一直在醫院治療憂郁癥,不知道自己何時才能準備好再開工。

For them rome was sweet pickings , the very home of the antichrist , and as mercenaries whom the emperor had conveniently forgotten to pay , they were as much in a frenzy to line their pockets as they were to shine their souls 對他們來說,羅馬贓物遍地,恰是反基督者的家園;查理五世忘了付酬,正中這些雇傭軍下懷,他們燒殺擄掠,瘋狂如同對路德教的狂熱。

1 jn . 2 : 18 young children , it is the last hour ; and even as you heard that antichrist is coming , even now many antichrists have come ; whereby we know that it is the last hour 約壹二18小孩子們,如今是末時了;你們曾聽見,那敵基督的要來,現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了,從此我們就知道如今是末時了。

Children , it is the last hour ; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming , even now many antichrists have appeared ; from this we know that it is the last hour 約壹2 : 18小子們哪、如今是末時了你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了從此我們就知道如今是末時了。

I don ' t believe in an antichrist - just functional people who work on a higher freqyency vs . dysfunctional people who exist on lower level frequencies and create the drama 我不相信有一個敵基督之人? ?僅是使得人類在更高頻率上工作,與存在于較低頻率的官能障礙的人作比較,創造了一場戲劇。

Nasb : and every spirit that does not confess jesus is not from god ; this is the spirit of the antichrist , of which you have heard that it is coming , and now it is already in the world 和合本:凡靈不認耶穌、就不是出于神這是那敵基督者的靈你們從前聽見他要來現在已經在世上了。

Young children , it is the last hour ; and even as you heard that antichrist is coming , even now many antichrists have come ; whereby we know that it is the last hour 18小孩子們,如今是末時了;你們曾聽見,那敵基督的要來,現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了,從此我們就知道如今是末時了。

2 jn . 7 for many deceivers went out into the world , those who do not confess jesus christ coming in the flesh . this is the deceiver and the antichrist 約貳7因為有許多迷惑人的已經出來,進到世界里,他們不承認耶穌基督是在肉體里來的。這就是那迷惑人的和敵基督的。

The equinox reached the first star of the second fish in 1817 , and the rise of secular science in this year fulfills ancient predictions of “ antichrist “ 1871年的晝夜平分到達了第二條魚的第一顆星,從這一年開始,興起了長時期的科學,古代“反基督”的預言實現了。

7 many deceivers , who do not acknowledge jesus christ as coming in the flesh , have gone out into the world . any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist 7因為世上有許多迷惑人的出來,他們不認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的;這就是那迷惑人、敵基督的。

For many deceivers have gone out into the world , those who do not acknowledge jesus christ as coming in the flesh . this is the deceiver and the antichrist 約貳7因為世上有許多迷惑人的出來、他們不認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的這就是那迷惑人、敵基督的。

For many deceivers went out into the world , those who do not confess jesus christ coming in the flesh . this is the deceiver and the antichrist 7因為有許多迷惑人的已經出來,進到世界里,他們不承認耶穌基督是在肉體里來的。這就是那迷惑人的和敵基督的。

Many deceivers , who do not acknowledge jesus christ as coming in the flesh , have gone out into the world . any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist 7因為世上有許多迷惑人的出來,他們不認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的。這就是那迷惑人,敵基督的。

And every spirit which does not say this is not from god : this is the spirit of antichrist , of which you have had word ; and it is in the world even now 3凡靈不認耶穌、就不是出于神這是那敵基督者的靈你們從前聽見他要來現在已經在世上了。

For many deceivers are entered into the world , who confess not that jesus christ is come in the flesh . this is a deceiver and an antichrist 約貳7因為世上有許多迷惑人的出來、他們不認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的這就是那迷惑人、敵基督的。

For many deceivers are entered into the world , who confess not that jesus christ is come in the flesh . this is a deceiver and an antichrist 7因為世上有許多迷惑人的出來,他們不認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的。這就是那迷惑人的,敵基督的。