
antic adj.1.滑稽的,詼諧的。2.〔古語〕奇異的,古怪的。...

Return to college and start a fraternity ! before you can say “ wild and wet wrestling “ , frank “ the tank , mitch , and beanie have their own frat raging with out - of - control antics 民治就是故事的主人公,他與三個事業有成的朋友,在大學附近搞兄弟會,晚晚派對,夜夜笙歌,甚至當街裸跑

“ they spoiled the music just the same , with their antics and unrealities . “他們那些不真實的滑稽表演也一樣破壞了音樂。 ”


Return to college and start a fraternity ! before you can say “ wild and wet wrestling “ , frank “ the tank , mitch , and beanie have their own frat raging with out - of - control antics 民治就是故事的主人公,他與三個事業有成的朋友,在大學附近搞兄弟會,晚晚派對,夜夜笙歌,甚至當街裸跑

Everybody loves parrots , they amuse us with their antics and dazzle us with their plumage , and yet our desire to own them has cost many their freedom and threatened their future in the wild 鸚鵡既有一身鮮艷亮麗得令人目眩的羽毛,又會做出各種滑稽動作惹人發笑,實屬人見人愛。

The sight of her antics disgusted all the villagers , with the result that the rich shut themselves up in their houses and the poor took their families far away 村里的富人看到她的樣子,都牢牢的關閉大門不出來;窮人見了她這樣子,馬上拉著妻兒都躲得遠遠的。

Wang ' s face has become a fixture on television throughout the island , with his games and many of his off - field antics broadcast and rebroadcast 王的臉譜經由電視固定的轉播傳送到全島各地,只要有他的比賽和許多他在賽后的訪問相關動作都經現場轉播和不斷重播。

Shakespeare , in his tragedies , often includes a few short scenes where the antics and conversation of jesters , simpletons , or homespun wits provide comic relief 莎士比亞在他的悲劇中經常安排一些小丑、傻瓜或頭腦簡單的人物插科打諢,使觀眾得到片刻輕松的場面。

Torino goalkeeper matteo sereni has admitted that he sympathises with nelson dida after the milan man ' s antics during the champions league clash with celtic 都靈門將馬特奧?塞雷納承認,他對迪達表示同情,在米蘭人冠軍聯賽對凱爾特人隊滑稽動作后。

Moppets of the depression and before were uncomplicated , ravenous little rascals and ruddy - faced katzenjammers of simple wants and slapstick antics 經濟大蕭條時期前后的孩子們既單純,又粗俗,游手好閑,嬉笑打鬧,整日漲紅著臉,四處酗酒。

Uefa president lennart johansson has hinted chelsea boss jose mourinho could be in trouble for his antics during last week ' s 2 - 2 draw at barcelona 歐足聯主席約翰松暗示穆里尼奧可能因為他在與巴薩比賽中的慶祝動作陷入麻煩。

Who wouldn t want to visit an all - girl s dormitory ? certainly not hong kong audiences , who flocked to this mystery drama of life in an antic , frantic , . . 本片為日本名導井上梅次編導,王福配樂,由丁佩楊帆及李麗麗主演。

Stooge - like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big - shot lawyer , who also wants to run the ballet 三人欲極力智勝同樣想管理芭蕾公司的有錢寡婦和他的大牌律師,其中滑稽夸張,笑料百出。

By contrast , those studying the proteome have been selfeffacing , which is why the news is not full of their antics 與之相反,研究蛋白質組的科學家一直以來都不愿意拋頭露面,這也是他們的工作沒有被全面報道的原因。

Nor had davey birdsong ' s antics - - the insults and provocation - - been given more than the briefest mention , and even then not critically 戴維?伯德桑的丑態表演-辱罵和挑釁-也只是略略提了一下,而且也沒有受到非難。

Certainly not hong kong audiences , who flocked to this mystery drama of life in an antic , frantic , fun , and fascinating residence hourse . . 本片為日本名導井上梅次編導,王福配樂,由丁佩楊帆及李麗麗主演。

Undaunted , lee decides to meet them to get their consent . but nothing prepares him for their quirkiness and outrageous antics 她們之間的爭風吃醋將再次打破后宮的平靜安寧,一場腥風血雨由此而生

They ' re such characters , and so comically cute to look at , both in their unique physical proportions , and also in their spirited antics 這篇常見問題,嘗試著讓你了解這個犬種的背景和特征。

Throughout the story , it would have seemed that antics of the swindlers proved that they were more astute than anybody else 從故事里似乎可以看出:織布工的騙術證明他們比其他任何人都精明。

A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes , antics , and tricks in a circus , play , or other presentation 小丑,丑角在馬戲、戲劇或其它演出中通過玩笑、滑稽動作及騙局娛樂的小丑