
antibody n.【醫學】抗體。

Scientists have also used monoclonal antibodies to “see“ hidden tumors . 科學家們也用單純系抗體觀察隱藏的腫瘤。


A murine phage antibody library containing 1 . 710 成功構建一庫容量為1 . 710

Egg yolk antibody and its applications in anti - infections 卵黃抗體及其在抗感染中的應用

Antimitochondrial antibody can be detected in serum 患者血清中可檢測到抗線粒體抗體。

Study of 2 - microglobulin monoclonal antibody signed with hrp 微球蛋白單克隆抗體的研究

To encourage hiv antibody test and std test 鼓勵他們接受愛滋病病毒抗體測試和性病測試

The detection of hiv - 1 antibody by indirect immunofluorescence assay 抗體檢測中的應用

Antibody test may diagnose and treat mad cow disease 抗體試驗可以診斷并治療瘋牛病。

Our bodies produce antibodies to counteract disease 我們的身體能產生抗體以抵抗疾病

Analyzing the blood group antibody titre of igg in pregnant women 型血型抗體效價分析

Antibody detection methods for simian retrovirus type d 猴d型逆轉錄病抗體檢測方法

Protocol of test for b virus related antibodies in monkey 猴b病毒相關抗體檢測方法

The attraction between an antigen and an antibody 化合力抗原和抗體之間的相互吸引

Preparation of polyclonal antibody for iodinatedcasein 碘化酪蛋白多克隆抗體的制備

1 . should i have an hiv antibody test 1 .在什么情形下需要接受愛滋病病毒抗體測試?

The influence of antiphospholipid antibody with pregnancy 抗磷脂抗體對妊娠的影響

Antibody date specification has antibody , quite good 抗體號說明有抗體,挺好的。

Radioimmunoassy(ria)is one of the most sensitive tehniques presently available for the diagnosis of viral antigens or antibodies . 放射免疫試驗(RIA)是目前適合于診斷病毒抗原或病毒抗體的最靈敏技術之一。

Industry is turning its attention to the possible advantages that monoclonal antibodies may offer for the purification of biological extracts . 工業方面也開始注意到用單克隆抗體純化生物提取物的優點。