
antibiotic adj.1.破壞[傷害]生命的。2.抗生的,抗菌的。n....


A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available 一種新的高效抗生素不久將在市面銷售。

Leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics 抗生素能有效治療這疾病。

This is the large ring lactone class antibiotic 本品為大環內酯類抗生素。

Request for pamphlets on proper use of antibiotics 索取“使用抗生素的正確方法”小冊子

Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty 髖關節成形病患接受預防性抗生素

Nursing for senile patients being used aminoglycoside antibiotics 壓瘡病人的護理體會

Examination of residue of antibiotics in fresh milk 鮮乳中抗生素殘留量檢驗

Percentage of strains resistant to antibiotic 每類細菌中抗藥性細菌的百分比

Antibiotic prophylaxis for more than 7 days after surgery 手術后7日連續使用抗生素率

Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty 膝關節成形病患接受預防性抗生素

I am sensitive to all the antibiotics , doctor 醫生,我對大部分抗生素過敏。

Antibiotics resistance analysis of gram - negative bacilli 革蘭陰性桿菌抗生素耐藥分析

The disease can be treated effectively with antibiotics 抗生素能有效治療這疾病。

Need to put you on an antibiotic . give me a syringe 要注射抗生素,拿注射器來

The factory is specialized in the production of antibiotic 該廠專門生產抗生素

Statistical analysis of the antibiotic susceptivity test 細菌藥敏試驗結果統計分析

The results do not reveal the presence of antibiotics 結果顯示,樣本不含抗生素。

Antibiotic prophylaxis for less than 3 days after surgery 手術后3天內抗生素使用率

Psittacosis can be treated with antibiotics effectively 抗生素能有效治療鸚鵡熱。