
antibiosis n.(pl. -ses ) 【生物學】抗菌,抗生(現象)...


Range of application it is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing 適用于女性各種致病微生物引起的外陰炎、陰道炎、宮頸炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮子宮內膜炎、盆腔炎、附件炎、卵巢炎,陰道瘙癢,白帶異常等各種久治不愈的婦科疾病;對女性生殖系統具有抗菌、止癢、潤澤、縮陰,消除異味和長效護理的作用。

It is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing 適用于女性各種致病微生物引起的外陰炎、陰道炎、宮頸炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮子宮內膜炎、盆腔炎、附件炎、卵巢炎,陰道瘙癢,白帶異常等各種久治不愈的婦科疾病;對女性生殖系統具有抗菌、止癢、潤澤、縮陰,消除異味和長效護理的作用。

Nanometer tio2 has the following properties : safety , innocuity , low - cost and no secondary pollution , and it also has the functions of antibiosis and antisepsis . it is one of the photocatalyst of new pattern and the inorganic antisepsis with the most efficiency 納米或納米晶tio _ 2具有安全、無毒、成本低、無二次污染,且具有抗菌、消毒功能,它是迄今為止最有效的新型光催化劑和無機抗菌劑之一。

Different factors influencing the effect of antibiosis finishing for knitted socks are experimented ; including concentration of finishing agent , dipping temperature , dipping time , baking temperature , baking time and bath ratio 摘要通過實驗確定整理劑濃度、浴比、浸漬溫度、浸漬時間、焙烘溫度和焙烘時間對滌棉針織襪抗菌防臭整理效果的影響。

This paper describes the determination of optimum processing condition and measurement results for antibiosis effects and durability are detailed 本文報道最佳工藝整理的確定,并詳述整理后針織襪的抗菌效果及耐久洗滌性能測試結果。

Antibiosis effect of some chinese herbal medicines against major pathogenic bacteria in dairy cow mastitis in vitro 中草藥對奶牛乳房炎致病菌的體外抑菌試驗

Experimental study on osteoinductivity and antibiosis of drug - impregnated calcium phosphate cement 載藥自固化磷酸鈣人工骨抗菌活性和骨誘導活性的實驗研究

Deader and antibiosis finishing of polyster cotton woven stock 棉針織襪抗菌防臭的整理

He used aphid fecundity data to elucidate the theoretical effects of antibiosis on insect population dynamics . 他利用蚜蟲繁殖力資料說明了抗生作用對蟲口動態的理論效應。