
antibacterial adj.抗細菌的。n.抗菌劑,抗菌物。

“ for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil 發現磺胺類藥物prontosil的抗菌作用


Antibacterial function of maggot for decubitus ulcer after spinal cord injury 蛆蟲對脊髓損傷后壓瘡創面的抗菌作用

Antibacterial and anti - inflammatory effects of a novel antifungal yidihong 依地紅皮膚消毒劑的抗菌及抗炎實驗研究

Current situation and developing tendency for the research of antibacterial ceramics 關于機械設計方法趨勢的探討

3 . antibacterial and antifungal 抗菌抗霉作用。

Antibacterial effect of domestic gatifloxacin b . fragilis group 國產鹽酸加替沙星對口腔中脆弱類桿菌的抗菌作用研究

Preparation and antibacterial effect of polyamine cotton fiber loaded with cu 載銅抗菌棉纖維的制備及其抗菌性能

Extraction and purification antibacterial polysaccharide from nephrolepis cordifolia 抗菌腎蕨多糖的提取與分離

The genetic breeding of antibacterial and antivirus medicinal edible fungi 抗菌抗病毒性食藥用真菌的選育

Survey of antibacterials for obstetrics and gynecology during perioperation 測定血清中丙氨酸氨基轉移酶

Isolation and purification antibacterial polysaccharide from pteris vittata 抗菌蜈蚣蕨多糖的分離與純化

Synthesis and antibacterial activity of new alkylenedibiguanides 亞烴二雙胍鹽酸鹽的合成及體外抗菌活性

Experiment study of antibacterial constituents of ficus carical leaves 無花果葉抑菌活性成分的實驗研究

Silver - carrying antibacterial agents and their application to textiles 載銀抗菌劑及其在紡織品上的應用

Antibacterial property of antibacterial plastics pipes used for building 建筑用抗細菌塑料管抗細菌性能

Nanocomposite tio2 ag antibacterial material 納米抗菌材料

Advance of antibacterial agent in paint 涂料用抗菌劑的新進展

Research and development for antibacterial materials of silver nanoparticle 納米銀抗菌材料研發現狀

“ for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil 發現磺胺類藥物prontosil的抗菌作用