
antiapartheid adj.反(南非)種族隔離的。


South african prelate . a leader in the antiapartheid struggle , he has been a prominent advocate of international economic sanctions against south africa . he won the1984 nobel peace prize 圖圖,德斯蒙德生于1931南非主教。種族隔離斗爭的領袖,他是對南非的國際經濟制裁的重要擁護者,他獲得了1984年諾貝爾和平獎

South african prelate . a leader in the antiapartheid struggle , he has been a prominent advocate of international economic sanctions against south africa . he won the1984nobel peace prize 因此讓我們來看一看,他談到有關這個主教的情況,看看在多大程度上他說的都是事實,決無謊言。