
antiaircraft adj.防空(用)的。n.1.高射炮。2.高射炮部隊。3...

antiaircraft artillery

According to assignment problem and its solution ( hungarian method ) that contain strict theoretic proof and practical value , the thesis sets up assignment model of antiaircraft artillery group ' s firepower optimal allotment in the case of one - to - one - gunshot and multiply - to - one gunshot , discusses the solution of the model , analyzes practical application of the model , and primarily validate the model through the example 依據有嚴格理論證明和實用價值的指派問題及其解法(匈牙利法) ,構建了一對一射擊和多對一射擊情形下的高炮群火力優化分配的指派模型,探討了該模型的求解,分析了該模型的實際應用,并通過具體實例對該模型進行了初步驗證。

On the basis of realizing the fire - control real - time simulation system in the antiaircraft artillery weapon system , this paper designs and constructs the distributed weapon system numerical simulation platform based on ethernet , which uses the simulation technique , network communication technique and virtual reality technique . the platform is used for researching and realizing the antiaircraft artillery training simulator . also , it can be integrated with the actual equipment to construct semi - physical simulation system to make the theoretical validating experiment 本文以實現高炮武器訓練系統中的火控系統的實時仿真為基礎,運用仿真技術、網絡通信技術、虛擬現實技術,設計并構建了一個基于以太網的分布式自行高炮武器模擬訓練系統通用數字仿真平臺,既可用于模擬訓練系統的研究和實現,還可和實際裝備集成以組成半物理的仿真系統,進行實際系統的原理性驗證實驗。

Abstract : the method framework of object - oriented simulation are introduced . its concept and basic structure is indicated in detail . by studying on simulation of guide control system of one antiaircraft missile , its existence and importance on study of system simulation are proved 文摘:提出了面向對象仿真方法框架,詳細說明了它的概念和基本結構,通過對某型防空導彈制導控制系統的仿真研究,證明了它的合理性和在系統仿真研究中的重要性。

Aim to plan optimal routes for a type of cruise missiles ( cms ) which can avoid the firepower units as surface - to - air missiles , antiaircraft guns , fighter planes , electromagnetism impulse and terrain obstacles and have the shortest length as well as consume the least oil 摘要目的設計優化一類巡航導彈航跡,且航跡滿足避開地空導彈、高炮、殲擊機群、電磁脈沖等火力單元和地形地物障礙,并且滿足航跡路徑長度短、耗油量少等約束條件。

Abstract : the paper introduces the function , composition , characteristics and the process of operation for the russian antiaircraft missile system top - m1 . from the point of the system requirements , the main technologies adopted is introduced in the two radar systems of top - m1 文摘:介紹了俄羅斯“道爾- m1 ”防空導彈武器系統的功能、組成、特點和作戰過程,并從武器系統的總體需求出發,介紹了其兩部雷達所應用的主要技術。

With the background of a model of antiaircraft artillery system , the related theories and software design thoughts of target measure system are studied . digital simulation and experiment in national shooting range demonstrate their effects 本文以“某型牽引高炮武器系統”的研制開發為工程背景,研究與探討了火控系統中目標坐標測定儀相關理論與軟件設計思想,在實際應用中取得了良好的效果。

On the background of a fictitious antiaircraft system , this thesis explains how to modeling visually , and how to simulate and analyze data according to scenario , scripture , simulation modeling and model combination 以一個假想的防空系統為背景,說明了如何針對想定、劇本以及仿真所需模型的可視化建模、仿真生成和數據分析。

With background of an antiaircraft training system , simulation models of many kinds of cruise missile and warplane are established , including physical model , decision - making model and three - dimensional model 本文以“新三打”訓練模擬系統為背景,建立了多種型號巡航導彈和作戰飛機的仿真模型,包括物理模型、決策模型和三維模型。

The design was found to be rather cramped , especially for antiaircraft guns in the superstructure , because the length of the superstructure had been reduced 較短的艦身設計后來被證明是不成功的,特別是限制了防空炮在上層建筑的布置。由于上層建筑的長度被縮短,使得防空炮不能很好的發揮火力。

88mm flak gun ? mostly used as antitank or antiaircraft weapon . the battles between german 88mm pak guns and soviet heavy tanks were quite amazing and bloody 88毫米高射炮? ?大多用于反坦克、防空戰斗。德式88毫米防坦克炮與蘇聯重型坦克之間的殊死較量至今仍為人們津津樂道。

The simulation system is a computer generated forces ( cgf ) system , and it can provide virtual air - raid forces as enemy for antiaircraft forces in antiaircraft training 該系統是一個計算機生成兵力系統,在防空訓練模擬中為防御方提供作為敵方的空襲兵力,即虛擬靶標。

Second , although substantially improved in these areas , it still needs more and better antisubmarine and antiaircraft capabilities to protect a carrier and its supporting vessels 其次,雖然大大改善這些地區還需要更多更好的反潛和防空能力,保護承運人及其輔助船

The computer further aids these operators by calculating the most effective use of the interceptor aircraft , antiaircraft funs , and also antiaircraft missiles 計算機進一步的幫助由計算阻止的人飛機的最有效的使用的這些操作員,防空的趣事,并且也防空的導彈。

This followed an earlier , secret attempt to reverse - engineer a soviet antiaircraft missile that india had purchased in the 1960s 印度早就秘密嘗試過制造飛彈了;他們用1960年代從前蘇聯購入的地對空飛彈當作藍本,以逆向工程仿制。

To protect itself from enemy aircraft and ships , the o brien carried two five - inch guns and eight 20 - millimeter antiaircraft guns 船長441尺,船寬57尺.因為自衛的需要,此船裝備2挺5英寸艦炮, 8挺20mm防空炮

This enables them to get over walls or rough terrain , but while in the air they ' re susceptible to antiaircraft fire 這讓他們可以越過墻和曲折的地形,但是在天上飛的時候他們可以被防空炮火擊中。

Yes . we ' re short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the dutch army and automatic rifles for the belgian army 噢,我們還要荷蘭軍隊使用的迫擊炮和高射炮,比利時軍隊的自動步槍。

Safety technical specifications for the operation of hail suppression and precipitation enhancement with 37 mm antiaircraft gun 37mm高炮防雹增雨作業安全技術規范

The method of muzzle velocity measurement based on millimeter wave radar of micro - power for antiaircraft gun 用微功率毫米波雷達測定高炮初速的方法