
anti n.(pl. antis) 〔口語〕反對者,反對派。 P...


Floating self - adjustment circuit sole anti - interruption circuit 獨有的抗干擾電路

Target sites of new anti - candida albicands agents 新型抗白念珠菌藥物的作用靶點

Wto and china ' s enterprises ' anti - dumping tactics 與我國企業的反傾銷博奕策略研究

Anti - bacterium stainless steels and its development 抗菌不銹鋼材料及其發展現狀

Was it during the anti - japanese war that he died 是在抗日戰爭期間他去世的嗎?

Anti - japanese big battle games - 4455 miniclip games 抗日大戰斗小游戲- 4399小游戲

Anti - unfair competition law and intellectual property 反不正當競爭與知識產權保護

A reflection on anti - monopoly legislation in china 我國反行政性壟斷立法問題淺析

Introduction of australian anti - terrorism legislation 澳大利亞反恐怖主義立法述評

Challenging the draft chinese anti - monopoly law 我國最新反壟斷法草案中的若干問題

The impact of u . s . anti - terror operation on asia 美國的反恐行動對亞洲地區的影響

Anti - sub plane aircraft launching from enemy submarine 敵軍潛水艦正在發射飛機。

Analyzing briefly science , scientism and anti - scientism 科學主義與反科學主義

So as to ensure more than 10 years anti corrosion period 以保證10年以上的防腐期

Anti - piracy consultation to end on april 30 打擊侵犯知識產權公眾諮詢四月底結束

The anti - nuclear lobby is / are becoming stronger 向議員游說的反核群眾聲勢漸強

This is the place that the anti - japanese war erupt 這里是抗日戰爭暴發的地方。

Countermeasures of anti - terrorism struggle of our country 我國反恐怖斗爭對策研究

Economic globalization and anti - monopoly law in china 經濟全球化與中國反壟斷法