
anthurium n.天南星科,安修里昂屬植物。


Freesia , nerines , anthurium , and muscari also fit the bill and can take the trend beyond its winter season of 1 december to 14 february 素馨蘭、金花石蒜、火鶴花和葡萄風信子同樣適合用在這個主題,并且在12月1日至2月14日的冬天季節里充滿著時尚感。

Relative physiological and biochemical features of redifferentiation difference in three types of calli subculture in anthurium andraeanum 花燭愈傷組織不同繼代培養的再分化差異

A preliminary report of cultivar introduction and cultivation of potting anthurium in nanjing 南京地區盆栽紅掌引種栽培初報

Tissue culture method of anthurium andraeanum explants with entophytic microorganism 含內生菌外植體紅掌組培方法的研究

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of anthurium andraeanum 花燭體細胞胚胎發生及植株再生研究

Study on the photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of anthurium andraeanum 紅掌苗期光合特性的研究

Selection for potted anthurium varieties 盆栽紅掌品種篩選試驗

Study on tissue culture of anthurium andraeanum lind 安祖花組織培養研究