
anthropotomy n.人體解剖學。


There are not uniform anatomical terms about body ' s description in ancient time . readers will have a lot of difficulties in studying medicinal ancient books . to supply references for readers when they are studying ancient books , and to define the modern translations for indigestible terms in book of acupuncture , a book of acu - points , human anatomy by consulting acupuncture and moxibustion a & b , chinese medicine dictionary , traditional chinese medicine dictionary and anthropotomy 選取《針灸學》 、 《腧穴學》 、 《正常人體解剖學》中沒有明確記述的并且較難理解的古代解剖學名詞,查閱《針灸甲乙經》 、 《針灸大成》 、 《中國醫學大詞典》 、 《中醫大辭典》 、 《人體解剖學名詞》后找出明確的解剖學意義,為讀者在學習中醫古籍時提供參考。

By studying the shape , structure , driving - model and the rules of movement of human hand from anthropotomy , a dexterous hand close to a human hand in structure and functions with 5 fingers and 19 dofs is designed 通過分析正常人體解剖學,針對人類手掌的外形結構、驅動形式及運動規則,設計了一種5指仿人靈巧手。

3 . designed according to the human anthropotomy , the massager can be used at every part of the body 3 .根據人體工程學原理,隨意按摩身體任何部位。

Study on the application of multimedia in teaching anthropotomy 多媒體技術在人體解剖學教學中應用效果的研究

Exploring the reform of anthropotomy teaching 人體解剖學教學改革探索