
anthropomorphism n.擬人說,人格化〔使神仙、動物、非生物具有人的形狀或特...


Oedekerk takes the concept of anthropomorphism into a new chapter - - but very , very similar to one that we ' ve seen many times before - - dating all the way back to early disney fare 歐德科把擬人化的概念帶入了一個新的篇章,但是還是同以前我們看過的早期的迪斯尼動畫片相類似。

Though the biped robot has only 40 years history , it became one of the most important branches of robotics for its unique fitness and anthropomorphism 機器人中的兩足步行機器人雖然只有近四十年的歷史,但是由于它獨特的適應性和擬人性,成為了機器人領域的一個重要發展方向。

Is the core of chinese academic beliefs and also the main reason of anthropomorphism in the chinese beliefs 亦是中國思想中之所以有天人和德之說之真正理由所在