
anthropometry n.人體測量(學)。


According to chinese anthropometry data and ergonomics knowledge , a general 3d parametric chinese manikin was built 摘要根據中國人體尺寸和人機工程學知識,建立了通用的三維參數化中國少、體模型。

Nutritional status of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients : correlation of biochemical parameters with anthropometry and nutrient intake 慢性腹膜透析病人對高磷飲食及降磷藥物服用知識之研究。

Nutritional status of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients : correlation of biochemical parameters with anthropometry and nutrient intake 口服補充肉鹼對慢性腹膜透析病人營養狀況的影響。

Research on the somatotype growth of rural adolescents of han nationality in the west of liaoning province by heath carter anthropometry 法分析遼西地區漢族農村青少年的體型發育特點

Assessment on nutritional status among children under 3 years using anthropometry in 40 counties of western china 運用人體測量法評估中國西部40個縣農村3歲以下兒童的營養狀況

Anthropometry and biomechanics 人體測量學和生物力學

Sport nutrition anthropometry 運動營養學及人體測量學

Measuring instruments for anthropometry - coordinate caliper for anthropometry 人體測量用三腳平行規

Measuring instruments for anthropometry - anthropometer 人體測高儀

Measuring instruments for anthropometry - spreading caliper for anthropometry 人體測量用彎腳規

Measuring instruments for anthropometry - sliding caliper for anthropometry 人體測量用直腳規