
anthropology n.人類學。


An analysis of several key elements in historical anthropology 歷史人類學的幾個要件分析

Criticism and self - criticism about literary anthropology 關于文學人類學的批評與自我批評

The development of rural anthropology in china 中國鄉村人類學的研究進程

Notes on anthropology and post - modernization theory of knowledge 文學人類學的現狀與未來

A probe into cultural anthropology in legends of song mountain 嵩山傳說的文化人類學探索

Margaret mead ' s contribution to cultural anthropology 對兩種不同的人類學田野研究的省思

A marginal gap : the field of historical anthropology 一個歷史人類學的場域

The reflexive problem in latour ' s anthropology of science 拉圖爾科學人類學的反身性問題

Visual anthropology and the hui current studies 影視人類學與當代回族研究

Historical anthropology : from historical text to meaning subject 從歷史文本到意義主體

A review of china ' s anthropology study in 50 years 中國人類學研究50年回顧

Ma in the anthropology of chinese societies 人類學哲學博士人類學哲學碩士

The object and mission of ecologic anthropology 生態人類學的研究對象與任務

Observation and theoretical presuppositions in anthropology 人類學中的觀察與理論預設

The economic anthropology ' s analyse to human power captical 人力資本的經濟人類學分析

The historical anthropology in literary studies 文學研究中的歷史人類學視角

On educational studies in the perspective of anthropology 簡論人類學視野中的教育研究

The anthropology form of marxist literature criticism 馬克思主義文學批評的人類學范式

The studies of clan society from the view of anthropology 人類學視野中的宗族社會研究