
anthropologist n.人類學者。


So they are turning to social scientists , and in particular to anthropologists , the better to understand how telephones are used 所以他們通過社會學家,尤其是人類學家,搞明白人們是怎樣使用手機的。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , ha ine , sadne , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expre io 人類學家們已經發現,恐懼,快樂,悲傷和驚奇都會行之于色,這在全人類是共通的。

Anthropologists study the similarity and diversity of these cultural systems , to find out the nature of human existence 人類學者通過比較研究,找出這些文化制度之間的異同,從而探求人類生存的本質。

Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the polynesian peoples now living in the pacific islands came from 人類學家過去不清楚如今生活在太平洋諸島的波利尼西亞各民族的遠祖來自何方。

In 1960 , famed anthropologist dr . louis leaky sent 26 - year old jane goodall to tanzania to study wild chimpanzees 1960年,著名的人類學家路易士利基委派26歲的珍古德,前往坦桑尼亞研究野生黑猩猩。

Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the polynesian peoples now living in the pacific islands came from 人類學家想知道現在生活在太平洋島上的玻璃尼亞人的遠古祖先從哪里來到這。

“ a big - picture man , ” one participant called him . for anthropologists , the words are not necessarily a compliment 一個從大處著眼的人,一位與會學者這么形容他。此語對人類學者不見得是恭維。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , happiness , sadness , and surprise are universally reflected in facial s 人類學家們已經發現,恐懼,快樂,悲傷和驚奇都會行之于色,這在全人類是共通的。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , happiness , sadness , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions 人類學家已經發現,恐,樂,傷和驚都會行之于色,這在全人類是共通的。

One of nokia ' s in - house anthropologists , jan chipchase , recently investigated how people carry their phones , for example 一名諾基亞內部人類學家最近的研究中,他用人們怎樣攜帶電話做了個例子。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , happiness , sadness , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions 人類學家已經發現,恐懼、快樂、悲傷和驚喜普遍地反映在面部表情上。

It is all thoroughly baffling and embarrassing and will no doubt give anthropologists of the future a lot to puzzle over 這些活動讓人摸不著頭腦,讓人難堪,會讓未來的人類學家百思不得其解。

Anthropologists believe that modern man , or homo sapiens , emerged as a distinct species by about 100 , 000 years before the present time 人類歷史是伴隨著原人而出現的,原人即現代人的祖先。

Most anthropologists today study modern societies , such as the usa and japan , and how their cultures have changed 今天的人類學學者大多數從事現代社會(如美國和日本)及其文化變遷的研究。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , happiness , sadness , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions 人類學家發現恐懼、高興、悲傷和驚奇都將在面部表情中得到體現。

So she decided to study them as anthropologists research any foreign culture - - she lived among them 所以她決定要來認真研究大學生,一如人類學家研究外國文化:她搬到他們的聚落去居住。

One social anthropologist believes britons are even capable of forming one - person queues at bus stops 一位社會人類學家認為,英國人在車站等車時,即便只有他一個人,也能排得成隊。

Anthropologists have discovered that fear , happiness , sadness , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions 人類學家發現害怕,快樂,悲傷,驚奇會在面部表達出來。

They are not identical . anthropologists and sociologists are interested in subtle slight differences between human beings 為什麼會想研究這個看似不同其實根本相同的族群