
anthropologic adj.人類學(上)的。adv.-ically 人類學上...

The first chapter describes the fully town at anthropologic point , including the history , the topography , the river , the climate , the traffic , the area , and the population . those are the bases of the study on fully town “ s culture 從人類學的角度審視福利鎮的歷史演進、地形地貌、水文、氣候、交通條件、面積、人口等,這是進一步揭示其社會生活文化的基礎。


At the liking river basin , the ecological environments , the material lives of the ethnic groups and their mental world contain rich and colorful resources , which can be applied to ecological study , aesthetic study , tourist study , folklore study , anthropologic study and so on . through scientific study the resources can be further exploited and used 漓江流域諸族群的生態環境、生存境況和人文精神世界蘊涵著深厚的生態學、美學、旅游學、民俗學、人類學等多學科的研究資源和應用開發潛能,這些都有待于系統的規范化的田野作業方法的調查,將之展示于世。

This paper is based on the anthropologic research conducted in tangxiang , the small - sized pastoral community also the first township at the source of the changjiang river by means of ethnical records on the status of local herdsmen in high - altitude grassland ecological environment , the influences of local natural environment on local people and social organizations , the interactions between man and the ecological environment and the influences of national construction and economic development on local people and the environment etc . the paper testifies that the deterioration of local ecological environment is not merel y attributed to the restrictions arising from economic development and such natural factors as the increasingly warm global climate . the negligence of local people ' s initiatives and the impact on even the breakage of the cultural chain between man and the prairie ecological environment also play major roles 本論文通過對長江源頭第一鄉? ?唐鄉小型牧業社區的人類學考察,以民族志手法闡述本土牧民在高海拔草原生態環境中的位置、當地自然環境對人和社會組織的影響、人與自然生態環境的互動、以及國家建構和經濟發展對當地人與環境關系的影響等,論證當地生態環境惡化不僅是全球變暖等自然因素導致,也不局限于經濟發展等因素釀成,本土人群主體性被忽略、人與高原生態環境之間游牧文化鏈被沖擊甚至被打破亦是不可忽視的重要原因。

Its classic slavery model provides useful material for anthropologic study . in the early studies , few monographs and thesis delivered systematic research on the relationship of nationalities in liang shan area . my thesis on relationship of nationalities will fill the blank of this subject and be valuable for the further research 近二十年對涼山彝族自治州的研究很多,先后發表的論文也很多,但是系統研究涼山地區民族關系的著作(或專著)基本沒有,對涼山州民族關系作系統研究將填補這一領域的空白,對后面的研究工作亦有拋磚引玉之作用。

As ecological protection has gradually become a global trend , china ' s ecological protection regions in geographic sense have been overlapped with those minority areas which belong to the traditional field of anthropologic research 當生態保護逐漸成為席卷全球的浪潮,國內需要加以保護的地區在地理范圍上,常常和人類學研究的傳統領域? ?相對主體民族而言的少數民族地區相重合。

Ganqian cave , located at tubo district , liujiang county , guangxi zhuang autonomous region and unearthed 17 hominid fossil teeth representing at least 13 individuals , is one of the numerous anthropologic cave sites in soudiern china 位于廣西柳江土博縣境內的?前洞遺址,先后發現代表至少13個不同個體的人牙化石17枚,是我國南方發現古人類單個牙齒較多的一個地點。

The first chapter describes the fully town at anthropologic point , including the history , the topography , the river , the climate , the traffic , the area , and the population . those are the bases of the study on fully town “ s culture 從人類學的角度審視福利鎮的歷史演進、地形地貌、水文、氣候、交通條件、面積、人口等,這是進一步揭示其社會生活文化的基礎。

Class of masses medium major includes the study of the course such as a confucian school of idealist philosophy of the song and ming dynasties of the semeiology , sociolinguistics , history , sociological , anthropologic understanding that reach an agency 大眾傳媒專業課包括符號學、社會語言學、歷史、社會學、人類學及社會心理學等課程的學習。

Anthropologic film , with no insteadable advantages and especial expressing ways , makes an effective object and compliance by which the anthropologist observes and studies human society 摘要人類學影片以無可替代的優勢和獨特的表達方式,成為人類學家觀察和研究人類社會的有效載體和工具。

Muscovite university has zoologic , anthropologic , ancient live thing geological 3 museum , 4 astronomy observatory , and arboretum and place of numerous scientific research 莫斯科大學有動物學、人類學、古生物地質學3個博物館, 4座天文觀象臺,以及植物園和眾多科研所。

The classification of the art performance offering sacrifices and their anthropologic value in china now 中國現存敬神藝能的分類及其人類學價值

Anthropologic visual angle : research on the essence and impacts on social culture of tourism 論旅游的本質及其社會文化影響

Anthropologic analysis of traditional economy development - an example which challenges 對二元經濟論構成挑戰的一個實例

The review of anthropologic witchcraft study of the west in the past 100 years 百年來西方人類學巫術研究綜述

Anthropologic explanation of jaspers ' s existentialist philosophy 雅斯貝爾斯生存觀的人類學詮釋

On the anthropologic characteristics of physics 試論物理學的人類學特征

The practical rationality from the anthropologic perspective 人類學視野中的實踐理性

Cultural anthropologic studies and tourism planning 文化人類學研究與旅游規劃