
anthropoid adj.(猿等)似人類的。n.類人猿。


Monkeys and apes at the budapest zoo drink their way through 55 liters of red wine each year , albeit in small quantities each day , to help boost their red blood cells , the zoo said monday . budapest zoo spokesman zoltan hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005 匈牙利首都布達佩斯動物園的發言人佐爾坦漢加5月22日表示,生活在該園的猴子和猿類動物每年要喝下55升紅葡萄酒,此舉的目的在于提高其體內紅血球的數量,當然它們每天的飲酒量還是微乎其微的。

Modern industry brings about modernism culture whose major characters are anthropoids , evolutionism , individualism and the worship to newness . this is the ideological origin of modern social developmental idea with the view of urban development and economic growth 根源于現代工業發展的現代主義文化以人類中心主義、單線進化論、個人本位、新之崇拜為主要特征,引致了城市中心論和經濟增長論的社會發展理念的形成。

The history of fur as a kind of apparel material could be traced back to the time when apes evolved into erectly walking anthropoids , and used beast skins to cover their bodies 毛皮的歷史當一種衣服材料可能被追蹤回到猿進入直立步行的類人猿之內進展的時間,而且用畜牲皮膚包括他們的身體之時。

Modern primates range from prosimians such as the pygmy mouse lemur , through the monkeys , to anthropoid apes such as the gorilla - and humans 現代大主教范圍從prosimians譬如矮小老鼠狐猴,通過猴子,對似人猿的猿譬如大猩猩和人。

Budapest zoo spokesman zoltan hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005 據路透社5月22日報道,佐爾坦漢加說,在2005年內,大部分美酒都被園內的11只類人猿享用了。

Of the forms already existing on earth , one of the anthropoid apes most nearly approached the necessary pattern 在已經存在于地球上的形式中,有一種類人猿最為接近所需要的模式。

An anthropoid ape of the family pongidae , which includes the chimpanzee , gorilla , and orangutan 一九九六年初,一些加彭共和國的村民因吃了感染伊波拉病毒的大猩猩而死亡。