
anthropography n.人類地理分布學。


This paper is based on the case study of the cultural adaption of the homecoming junior hight school students in science and technology park of zhongguancun in beijing . the paper , by means of educational anthropography , by the clue of histoty - present - future , studies the problems of the cultural adaption of the homecoming junior hight school students 該論文以北京市中關村科技園區歸國初中生文化適應為個案,以歷史? ?現實? ?未來為縱向線索,以國內國外為橫向線索,從教育文化人類學視角對歸國初中生文化適應問題進行研究。論文從北京市中關村科技園區歸國初中生文化適應問題入手,提出針對歸國初中生文化適應的機制、規律和模式。